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Rob de Nijs Returns Home After 100 Days in Hospital: Wife Henriëtte Shares Update

Rob de Nijs is back home after a hundred days in hospital and a rehabilitation center, writes his wife Henriëtte de Nijs Instagram. The eighty-year-old singer was admitted in April with serious pulmonary embolisms that almost killed him.

“We are complete again”, writes Henriëtte.

The singer was in hospital for two weeks and then had to recover for almost three months in a rehabilitation center. “He slipped through my fingers”, Henriëtte looked back at the end of May in the broadcast of Time for MAX. “Rob wasn’t breathing anymore.” She also did not feel a heartbeat in her husband, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease. “That was horror.”

Henriëtte called 911 and gave her husband mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. In the end, the singer was taken to the hospital with a beating heart and breathing. “We didn’t know exactly what was going on yet.” In the course of the night it turned out that he had major pulmonary embolisms. In a pulmonary embolism, a blood vessel to the lungs is blocked by a blood clot. As a result, the blood cannot flow through it properly.

During his illness, Henriëtte asked if people wanted to light a candle and share it on social media. She used to light a candle with her parents if someone “needed extra support,” she said. It was also a reference to the song Put A Candle In Front Of Your Window from her husband.

She made the call on “a whim,” but it got a lot of response. “It was very moving and I really feel that it helped him.”

2023-07-28 09:52:25
#Rob #Nijs #home #days #hospital #rehabilitation #center #Backbite

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