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Rising Housing Shortage in the Netherlands: Impact of Vacated Homes on Status Holders


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Of the vacated housing association homes, 3 percent (almost 5 thousand homes) were allocated to status holders who either received a residence permit in 2021 or lived with a previously obtained residence permit at the beginning of that year in a reception location of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Municipalities are responsible for the initial housing of status holders. In addition, 3 percent of the housing associations were allocated to status holders who had had a residence permit for more than a year and no longer lived in a COA reception location.

Around 2000, there was hardly any housing shortage in the Netherlands. The deficit was 1.4 percent, or fewer than 100,000 homes, wrote Follow The Money last week. There are now 437,000 too few homes. Things went wrong especially after 2014, partly due to the closure of nursing homes and the introduction of the landlord levy.

The landlord levy ensures that far fewer affordable homes are built. Follow The Money: “This tax measure came from Stef Blok (VVD), Minister for Housing in the Rutte II cabinet (2012-2017), and applied to every owner of more than fifty rental properties in the social rental segment. As a result, corporations had to pay together around 1.5 billion euros annually. It led to them raising rents, selling properties and canceling construction plans. Immediately after the levy was announced in 2013, every project that could still be stopped was immediately terminated.

2024-01-15 22:04:22
#Housing #shortage #caused #refugees #VVD #Joop #BNNVARA

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