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“Rise in Psilocybin Seizures Raises Concerns about Increasing Psychedelic Drug Use in the U.S.”

Rise in Psilocybin Seizures Raises Concerns about Increasing Psychedelic Drug Use in the U.S.

Psychedelic drug use is on the rise across the United States, according to officials who have expressed their concerns. A new study has found that seizures of psilocybin, a compound found in magic mushrooms, have nearly quadrupled in just five years. The amount of drugs seized rose from 226 kilograms (498 pounds) in 2017 to a staggering 844 kilograms in 2022.

The study, led by researchers from New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine and other members of the National Drug Early Warning System, sheds light on the potential risks associated with the recreational and unsupervised use of psilocybin. The lead author of the study, Joseph Palamar, an associate professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Health, stated, “Our findings, which uncover an increase in confiscations of psilocybin, suggest that popularity and availability of this psychedelic may be increasing.”

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring chemical produced by certain species of fungi known to have mind-altering qualities similar to those of LSD. While scientists are exploring its potential therapeutic uses in treating conditions such as alcohol use disorder, post-traumatic stress, and depression, larger doses of the drug can have serious side effects. In a 2022 study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers found that 19 out of 9,233 magic mushroom users reported seeking emergency medical treatment after using the drug. Common side effects include hallucinations, anxiety, and panic attacks.

In recent years, there have been loosened restrictions on psilocybin in several American cities. However, our understanding of the drug’s popularity is still fairly limited. The recent study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence revealed that the Midwest had the highest number of psilocybin seizures, accounting for 36 percent of confiscations. The West closely followed, representing 33 percent of confiscations. Interestingly, the West also had the largest volume of psilocybin seizures, making up 43 percent of the total 4,380 kilograms confiscated during the study period.

“These results highlight the need to better understand not only how the availability and popularity of psilocybin is changing and why, but also how the drug affects those who use it recreationally,” emphasized Palamar. The researchers emphasized the importance of conducting further research to examine whether decriminalization efforts surrounding psilocybin and other drugs have impacted their use and the number of seizures.

As the popularity and availability of psilocybin continue to increase, it is crucial to address the potential risks associated with its recreational use. While psilocybin may not be the most dangerous drug, adverse effects can occur. Heightened prevention efforts and harm-reduction education may be necessary to ensure the safe use of this psychedelic substance.


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