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Reviving the Joy of Reading: The Decline of Eroticism and the Need for Book Thieves

This persuasive essay is a condition for losing interest in reading. A bold comparison between the growing appetite for books and the declining interest in eroticism. He uses the metaphor of book thieves to illustrate the need to revive the joy of reading and the value of passionate readers.

This text comes with a retro touch in honor of International Book Day, celebrated every April 23, like every year. And why I say: how we need book thieves! Well, paraphrasing Marcus Zusac’s novel (1), I think we really need them. Well, come on, don’t get me wrong. A good book reader. One of those like the character in the novel who stole the book and returns it.

No. They are eliminated. If you leave a book somewhere, don’t worry, no one will steal it. If you leave it somewhere you come back and it’s there. Well, but where do I want to go with this for Book Day? Well, no one is interested in reading anymore (I’m adding my comment and causing a response) and that’s very sad.

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Let’s put it this way: if rape was a crime in the past and now it was no longer a crime because the criminals or the criminals able to lose the desire for such temptation, we could all rejoice and live without fear. , but no one would believe that this would happen in another future. It would be a crazy surprise. Even a woman would be surprised that a man no longer pays her noble or brave or obscene compliments. You could almost say that a woman would be eagerly waiting for one of these brokers to hurl insults and rudeness at her, criticizing her with fiery gestures. And even if a woman goes out on the street, almost naked, she would only get a side view, colder than a tombstone in winter. He would even be disappointed that he had dressed up for anything.

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Reading eroticism decreased

Well, that’s what happens with the books. They lost the illusion, the fiery illusion, and the readers lost that disgusting look with which they left through the pages, I said pages, be careful, of a book. That is why I think that Ray Bradbury (2) would be sad at this time about this unprecedented phenomenon, because his book would fall on deaf ears. 451° Fahrenheit.

Would a civilization in which the government burns books be possible in the future? Why, if there was no interest in reading. For more seductive tops with attractive ‘necklines’. Nothing would make him interested in reading. In addition, they would commit the crime of neglecting to help by leaving a closed book. Cities full of dead, full cemeteries in libraries. The best editions of the Bicentenary are on the school shelves, but even the literature teacher doesn’t bother to read them.

As far as I’m concerned, they have an unstoppable influence and exorcism.

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Be Doctor Frankenstein from the books, bring life to the dead

On Book Day I want to congratulate the incredible readers who accidentally burn their eyes on the books of many authors. May they drink from the unspoiled source of that joy without being tempted by the standards of modern and vain influences. The usual drunk on a book, who steals a book and returns it or does not return it, who exchanges enemies, who would be able to kill for one and enter his room with sweat, as if they had commit a heinous crime, like the book thief. As if we were a cursed race, Jews to be burned in the gas chamber or belonging to an elite that has almost disappeared, but descended from closed circle Masonry, proud to be ‘ reading to death or as Sartre would say: “… of death among books.”

For my part, I will continue as a ‘distributor of bodies’, as a ‘graver’ who finds books and gives them life. Victor Frankenstein who revives dead flesh, makes tentacles and imagines his hideous creature is an open book ready to be read.

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1.- Markus Zusak. Australian writer, author of the novel The Book Thief.

2.- Ray Bradbury. Science fiction writer extraordinaire. Author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles.

2024-05-12 19:08:18
#book #thieves

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