Home » today » Business » Reverse of the SCJN on surrogacy, is a sign that the Congress of Tabasco legalized a commercialized practice: lawyer

Reverse of the SCJN on surrogacy, is a sign that the Congress of Tabasco legalized a commercialized practice: lawyer

The member of the Tabasco Bar Association, Sergio Antonio Reyes, considered that the reverse of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to the law of Surrogate motherhood, shows that the Congress of Tabasco legalized a “commodified practice“.

In this sense, he recalled that they at the time as an organization, denounced three cases of human trafficking through this method, as he said, in some contracts they limited free movement to pregnant mothers, which was contrary to human rights.

“The fact that the Federal Judicial Power analyzes this and reverses some issues, tells us that there has been a deficiency or complicity of the local legislator, to try to make up or legalize a commodified practice“, Held.

Reyes Ramos, added that the legislation in Surrogate motherhood It was badly raised in the last six-year term, therefore, he pointed out that now the Government of Tabasco must guarantee minors born under this method their fundamental rights.

“In addition, in any case, what the State must guarantee is that minors born in Tabasco have all the guarantees and protection of Mexican laws, such as not being, for example, eradicated from the country or sent abroad or transcultured, if they are from Tabasco, they have our same rights, “he added.

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