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Retaliation causes death and destruction in Gaza. Why do people still support Hamas?

For 14 years, Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip. The result is a series of economic downturns and military defeats. The support is still significant. Why?


Parts of a mannequin are strewn on the streets of Gaza following the Israeli retaliation against Hamas rockets. Foto: MOHAMMED SALEM, REUTERS/NTB

13. May 2021 11:29

Last updated just now

After Hamas fired its first rocket at Israel on Monday, the conflict has escalated. The Israeli defense has retaliated by attacking hundreds of rockets on the Gaza Strip. Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, has responded in the same way. Some of the rockets have even reached Nazareth, in northern Israel.

At least 83 people had lost their lives in Gaza and six in Israel on Thursday morning, according to Hamas. In Gaza, there are also children among those killed. A block of flats has collapsed. On both sides there is death and destruction.

Big losses and poor conditions

Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007. It has been in conflict with Israel a number of times since. They have fought three wars. The results have been disappointing for the inhabitants: large loss figures, closed borders and poor conditions for most people. 14 years later, Hamas still has fairly solid support. What is the reason for that?

In a poll in March, one in three Gaza residents believed that Hamas should rule the Palestinians after an election. It was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research.

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