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Restoring access to the Rhône river for fishermen: several federations are mobilizing

The Fishing Federations of Ardèche, Isère and Drôme wanted to alert all those directly or indirectly affected by traffic along the banks of the Rhône. Indeed, fishermen are increasingly limited in their ability to access their fishing sites. This situation is no longer tolerable and the three federations have decided to act to restore respect for their rights.

This beginning of 2022 will be marked by the significant mobilization of representatives of the Drôme, Isère and Ardèche Fishing Federations with the signing of a joint letter to CNR and water stakeholders. local, county and regional.

The purpose of this letter is initially to inform the actors concerned of the results of the inventory carried out by the Federations. The findings are alarming: on the Drôme-Ardéchoise and Iséroise shores, there are more than 280 barriers that make a third of the line not accessible by car for fishermen. The department of Isère concerned over approximately 140 kilometers, has more than 40 kilometers that are not accessible.

In a letter addressed to the CNR (national company of the Rhône) the 3 federations explain that: “ in recent years, the intensification and frequency of droughts on trout streams, coupled with a constant evolution of fishing equipment intended for second-category fish, naturally directs the practitioners of our departments towards the Rhône river and its annexes ».

But here is to go on the banks of the Rhône: “ The fishermen note, unfortunately, that the possibilities of access to the Rhone river are reduced more and more, from year to year.

The development of Via Rhôna-type gentle path projects has also resulted in the creation of numerous restrictions on access to the Rhône especially for motorized vehicles. Aware of the benefits of developing soft traffic routes, this should not be done to the detriment of certain categories of users, but in the interest of all.

Today, it is a real feeling of injustice experienced by a large number of fishermen on the Rhône river, especially for the less mobile among them. Indeed, even if fishing from boats or float-tubes has experienced rapid growth in recent years, fishing from the shore often remains the only possible mode of fishing for a whole category of our users. The increasing restrictions on access, particularly by vehicle and sometimes on very long lines, limit their possibilities of accessing the banks of the Rhône in safety, and reinforce this impression of abandonment. It should also be noted that this feeling of exclusion from the banks of the Rhône is perceptible among boat fishermen, particularly with regard to access to certain launches… For equal rights and opportunities, the participation of people with reduced mobility is among the most important accessibility laws. Access by car to the banks of the Rhône or as close as possible to the fishing stations is essential for fishermen with motor difficulties. and/or temporary or permanent displacements”.

Secondly, the three representatives request a meeting with these actors in order to enter into a constructive approach to engage in consultation and reflection on improving the conditions of access to the river.

Indeed, the Rhône and its annexes are part of the Public Fluvial Domain, the fishing leases are rented by the State to the world of fishing (AAPPMA). It is necessary that it be accessible to practitioners. Access will have to be on foot but also by car to allow the elderly, people with reduced mobility and also fishermen practicing technical fishing requiring a lot of equipment, to access the fishing stations without hindrance.

To be continued….

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