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Resignation of Mustafa Emin following Controversy at Pirogov Hospital

Mustafa Emin resigned as an adviser to the Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev. And as the reason, he pointed to the end of the political attack against him and the government.

9 days after Mustafa Emin requested that his child be examined as a priority in the shock room of Pirogov Hospital, he resigned. He also freezes his participation in the National Council of “Yes Bulgaria”, where an internal investigation is underway.

“I resigned from the political cabinet, because I think that the topic of my stay in Pirogov should leave the framework of the emotional and enter the field of reasonableness, which is the field of law,” declared Mustafa Emin.

The case of Mustafa Emin: What doctors and nurses from “Pirogov” explain

This decision was reached after a Facebook post by one of the nurses detailing Emin’s behavior. An internal audit followed at Pirogov, which found that there were no violations and that all medical and ethical standards were met.

“There are no violations on the part of the staff and I want to thank them for their professionalism, mental stability and moral behavior,” said the director of the largest emergency hospital in our country.

Director of Pirogov Dr. Valentin Dimitrov stated that 6 of the medical specialists shared in their written testimony that Emin behaved rudely, arrogantly and threatened with dismissal.

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“Not all of Mr. Emin’s actions are within the norm for a public servant. Nurses are constantly subjected to some type of aggression, verbal, with attacks and insults and even with physical intervention. This must stop,” emphasized Dr. Valentin Diitrov .

“I have a team of lawyers who will assess how we will move forward. Because my name is involved in scandals and the truth will clear it,” Mustafa Emin is emphatic.

For his part, the Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev asked the Ministry of Health to re-examine the facts and what are the criteria for publishing information on the page of the medical facility. All documents on the case have also been sent to the defense and health committees in the National Assembly.

2023-09-05 17:38:36


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