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Researchers Propose Possible Addition of Fourth Traffic Signal for Self-Driving Cars

New Traffic Laws in the Age of Self-Driving Cars

New Traffic Laws in the Age of Self-Driving Cars


The advent of self-driving cars could revolutionize traffic laws and the way intersections are managed, experts say. As the development of autonomous vehicles continues to progress, researchers are envisioning new signals and potential shifts in traffic regulations. This article explores the potential changes in traffic laws, including the introduction of additional signals and the possibility of rendering traditional traffic signals obsolete.

The Emergence of Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars have the potential to significantly impact traffic management and regulations. While autonomous vehicles are not yet widely available, companies like Tesla, Mercedes, GM, Ford, and Waymo are making strides in bridging the gap. As we prepare for the future of transportation, experts are contemplating the implications of self-driving cars on traffic control.

Potential Traffic Light Changes

Researchers, such as North Carolina State University associate engineering professor Ali Hajbabaie, are envisioning various alterations to traditional traffic lights. One proposal suggests the introduction of a white light at intersections, indicating that autonomous vehicles have control. This would result in human drivers simply following the autonomous vehicle in front of them instead of relying on traditional signals. Another suggestion includes red and green flashing lights, rendering the white light unnecessary.

University of Michigan civil engineering professor Henry Liu believes that these changes could happen sooner rather than later, as the pace of artificial intelligence progress accelerates.

Testing and Implementation

The University of Michigan is conducting a pilot program in the Detroit suburb of Birmingham to analyze the impact of these new traffic light changes. By leveraging speed and location data from cars, researchers aim to optimize traffic signals without necessitating infrastructural modifications. This approach demonstrates a cost-effective and efficient means to adapt traffic control systems to an evolving automotive landscape.

The Limitations of Current Systems

The current traffic light systems used in many cities often lack the ability to account for congestion or adjusted traffic flows. While higher-tech solutions exist, the integration of these systems requires costly and complex upgrades on the part of municipalities. It appears that advancements in self-driving technology could offer a viable solution without requiring substantial infrastructure modifications.

The Road Ahead

While the changes in traffic laws and traffic light systems may take time to implement, it is essential for policymakers and infrastructure owners to carefully consider the investments required for an autonomous vehicle-specific environment. It is crucial to strike a balance between the safe deployment of self-driving cars and the immediate need for traffic control measures that may support the current state of transportation.


As the automotive industry shifts towards the era of self-driving cars, the implementation of new traffic laws and management systems is inevitable. The advancements in autonomous technology open up the opportunity for inventive approaches to intersection control and traffic flow optimization. By exploring alternative signals and leveraging data from autonomous vehicles, researchers are paving the way for a safer and more efficient traffic environment, prepared for a future where human and autonomous drivers coexist on the roads.

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