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“Report Reveals Horrific Child Abuse and Complicity within Baltimore Archdiocese”

These archdiocesan priests and staff “carried out repeated horrific acts on the most vulnerable children in their community, while the leaders of the archdiocese turned a blind eye”, according to a report by the prosecutor of this Northeastern State. This document concerns the archdiocese of Baltimore, very close to the capital Washington. It is the result of an investigation opened in 2018, as in many other states, following a shock investigation in Pennsylvania.

Some 156 members of the Church are identified there, suspected of pedophile acts on more than 600 children. But the real number of their victims “is undoubtedly much higher”, note the authorities, who recall that only a small proportion of rapes is reported. They insist on the “complicity” of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, which “refused to take into account the allegations of sexual violence against children”.

“When it became impossible to deny”, the Church contented itself with moving the people in question, to positions where they sometimes worked again near children, according to the prosecutor’s office. “The Archdiocese was more concerned with avoiding scandals or negative publicity than with protecting children. This report, although official, does not constitute an indictment.

Other affected states

In 2018, an investigation by the Pennsylvania prosecutor’s office uncovered pedophile acts committed by more than 300 “predatory priests” on at least 1,000 children, and covered by the Catholic Church. This report had caused shock waves in the United States, and many States had, in turn, discovered thousands of other victims.

For its own investigation, the Maryland prosecutor’s office relied on hundreds of thousands of documents as well as testimonies from victims and witnesses. The overwhelming majority of those implicated are named, but most of them are deceased and therefore cannot be prosecuted.

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