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‘Reopening terraces does not solve anything’

The argument of the mayors of the big four cities to reopen the terraces so that enormous crowds in parks of densely populated cities are prevented, and thus possible contamination, does not hold up, according to the RIVM. “Then the terraces and parks will soon be full,” says RIVM epidemiologist Susan van ‘t Hof in conversation with NU.nl.

The policy proposed by Femke Halsema (Amsterdam), Ahmed Aboutaleb (Rotterdam), Sharon Dijksma (Utrecht) and Jan van Zanen (The Hague) would prevent “irregular meetings” and thus prevent infections. But Van ‘t Hof thinks that “thought too simple”. According to the epidemiologist, the number of contacts people have should be reduced and the reopening of terraces does not contribute to this.

The epidemiological situation, she says, has not improved to such an extent that relaxation is possible. “We are now on a kind of plateau”, says Van ‘t Hof. “The situation seems stable, but the figures are still high. As far as I am concerned, it is not going well at all. The fact that the situation in hospitals is stable does not mean that things are going well; they are on the edge of their ability, care already had to be scaled down. “

By: ANP | Photo: ANP

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