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remedies, 5G, origin… the most viral Covid-19 info

Misinformation on the internet around the Covid in March and April was massive, with certain particularly viral information (false remedies or prevention advice, theory of an artificial virus or supposed link with 5G), according to an analysis published by five specialized media. Europeans.

Gargling with salt water, chlorine dioxide, holding your breath to find out if you have Covid… “wrong advice – even dangerous – and the alleged treatments and remedies against Covid-19 were probably the main subject misinformation “, noted the authors of the report, which covers Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and France, European countries among the most affected by the pandemic.

5G, Bill Gates, created by Man…

At the beginning of February, the WHO had alerted against the “massive infodemia”, complicating its task and that of the health authorities against the Covid, which has already killed more than 500,000 people worldwide. Chloroquine, a drug with unproven efficacy against Covid-19, has been the subject of “numerous articles” of verification in the United Kingdom, Spain and especially in France. For example, it may have been wrongly presented as a scientifically validated remedy or as “banned” by the authorities.

Another big trend, masks (efficiency, alleged dangers, etc.) have also been the subject of countless false or misleading publications. As well as the theory (dismantled by the scientific community) according to which the virus was created by the Man. Several conspiracy theories that were already circulating before the pandemic have been adapted to keep up with the news, like all those accusing Bill Gates, among others, of wanting to implant electronic “chips” in the population.

The same goes for misinformation about vaccines or “theories that Covid-19 was created – or boosted or propagated – by 5G technology”, very viral in Italy and the United Kingdom, according to the report.

The measures to combat the pandemic have also given rise to numerous information, concerning “generally national laws, false actions and statements attributed to a political figure or to the authorities”. Verification articles concerning this type of “political” information were particularly numerous in France. In addition to the common subjects, the report noted some local specificities such as domestic animals in the United Kingdom or migrants in Germany.

This analysis covers 654 verification articles published in March and April by Pagella Politica / Facta (Italy), Maldita.es (Spain), Full Fact (United Kingdom), Correctiv (Germany) and AFP (France). If the flow seems to slow in recent weeks, news around the Covid continues to circulate on social networks.

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