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Reggiana vs Palermo: Live coverage of Round 3 Serie B Championship match at MAPEI Stadium – Città del Tricolore

Where the game is played:

Stadium: MAPEI Stadium – Città del Tricolore
City: Reggio Emilia
Capacity: 23717 spectators 7.54 pm

Good evening and welcome to the live coverage of Reggiana-Palermo, a match valid for round 3 of the Serie B Championship. 7.54pm

Last moments of waiting at the Mapei Stadium, then it will be Reggiana-Palermo! Reggiana which opens the doors of its own home for the first time this season, hosting the Rosanero line-up that comes from a goalless draw against Bari, in the setting of San Nicola, in the first round of this championship. The Granata won a point in the first two matches of the deserved Serie B, drawing on the second day for 2-2 against the Lariani del Como, guests at the Sinigaglia stadium. Today’s match will be the 29th meeting between the Emilians and the Sicilians, with a balance that currently leans in favor of Corini’s team: 8 rosanero victories, 6 granata triumphs and 14 total draws.20:02

The direction of the match was entrusted to the match director Paride Tremolada, from the Monza section. 20:04

The assistants of the Judges of Latina-Longo di Paola are designated to assist the Lombard whistle; the IV Official Man will be Mr. Nicolini from Brescia; VAR station with Mr. Maggioni of Lecco, assisted by the A.VAR Pagnotta of Nocera Inferiore.20:05

OFFICIAL LINE-UPS: REGGIANA (4-3-2-1). Taking the field: Bardi; Libutti-Rozzio-Marcandalli-Pieragnolo; Girma-Kabashi-White; Portanova-Vergara; Combs. Coach: Alessandro Nesta. Subs: Romagna, Fiamozzi, Sampirisi, Nardi, Cavallini, Nuhu, Cigarini, Lanini, Djamanca, Sposito, Satalino.20:09

OFFICIAL LINE-UPS: PALERMO (4-3-3). Guests who respond with: Pigliacelli; Mateju-Lucioni-Ceccaroni-Lund; Segre-Gomes-Vasic; Insigne-Brunori-Di Mariano. Coach: Eugenio Corini. Subs: Nedelcearu, Graves, Aurelio, Marconi, Henderson, Valente, Stulac, Damiani, Soleri, Mancuso, Nespola, Desplanches. 20:11

Nesta’s choices outline a pyramidal 4-3-2-1, with Bardi defending the goal, a 4-man line with the central couple Rozzio-Marcandalli assisted by Rozzio and Pieragnolo on the wings, space for Kabashi in the middle with the help of mezzale Girma and Bianco, front area entrusted to the Portanova-Vergara tandem, in front chosen Pettinari.20:14

To Nesta’s 4-3-2-1, Mister Corini responds with a 4-3-3: Pigliacelli between the posts, Mateju and Lund on the wings to support the centre-backs Lucioni-Ceccaroni, in midfield in the 3-man line with Gomes flanked by Segre and Vasic, in front of the trident made up of wingers Insigne and Brunori with the lone striker Di Mariano. 20:16

The players are completing the pre-match warm-up phase. 20:16

Kick-off scheduled at 20:30.20:17


LEAVE! Off to Reggiana-Palermo. 20:32


The first ball of the match is administered by Palermo. 20:32


Reggiana who immediately pushes with Girma, who calls Bianco to one-two but Gomes intervenes to recover possession. 20:34


CRAZY PALERMO OPPORTUNITY! From the developments of the corner, Lund shoots dry on goal finding the rebound on the Pettinari line, then Lucioni at the tap-in and Pettinari again to save. Var in action.20:38


GOAL! LUCION GOAL! Reggiana-Palermo: 0-1. The match in Reggio Emilia is unlocked in the 8th minute! Lucioni intervenes on Pettinari’s rebound, who rebounds but the ball has now crossed the goal line. Immediately VAR at work which gives the advantage to the Sicilians. 20:40


Reggiana chance, controversy for a touch of the hand by Ceccaroni who doesn’t commit a foul. It starts again from the corner kick. 20:41


Di Mariano frees himself on the left out, looks up and puts in a strong cross rejected for a corner by Rozzio. Number 10 at measure.20:43


Chance from the flag that bears no fruit, grenade possession. 20:44


Lucioni, author of the opening goal, risks being booked after a dubious contact with Girma. Tremolada adopts the path of clemency.20:48


Brief phrasing between Bianco and Pieragnolo, waiting for Portanova’s crash. Segre reads the intentions of the grenade midfielder and folds recovering. 20:49


Girma tries! The number 80 frees the shot towards the mirror, the ball ends by a whisker on the side of the goal defended by Pigliacelli.20:49


Vehement clash between Gomes and Kabashi, Tremolada punishes the French midfielder’s outstretched leg by assigning a dead ball to Reggiana. Beats Kabashi.20:54


REGIAN OPPORTUNITY! Free kick kicked hard by Kabashi, rebound that reaches between Girma’s sides who kicks first of all finding the foul rebound by Gomes. Chance from 16 meters for the hosts, beats Pettinari.20:55


Inactive ball kicked inaccurately by Stefano Pettinari, it starts again from the goal kick with Pigliacelli. 20:55


WARNING Paolo Rozzio: foul challenge against Di Mariano who gives the rosanero a free kick from close range. 20:59


THRILL FOR BARDS! Di Mariano shoots directly on goal from an inactive ball, finds a carambola on the back of Marcandalli’s neck that would have slipped on goal, but a reactive intervention by the grenade goalkeeper denies the Sicilian playmaker the doubling goal. 21:00


Reggiana who, after averting the danger of 0-2, seems to have gained more confidence, another rapid progression from Girma which forces Lund to intervene by rejecting the out.21:03


High blood pressure from Mercandalli, who closes in on Di Mariano, anticipating Gomes’ suggestion. 21:05


Rejected by Lund on Pieragnolo’s attempt to cross, corner kick for Reggiana. 21:05


Daring action in the Rosanero area, Portanova goes down after a clash with Lucioni but the match director does not consider the case to be a fault. It starts again from Pigliacelli.21:06


Duel between Rozzio and Brunori which sees the attacker from Palermo as the victim, free kick from the opposing trocar in favor of the rosanero.21:09


Tremolada stops the game to allow Pieragnolo to be treated, the player in the grenade jersey suffered a severe blow in the tackle with Lund. 21:12


Mister Nesta’s full back returns and is able to continue the match. 21:13


SENT OFF Alessandro Marcandalli: do it from the last man against Segre, who was projected towards the mirror defended by Bardi. Reggiana at 10.21:13


WARNING Filippo Romagna: early entry by number 19 who had not received the approval of the race director. 21:17


Last clock lap of the first half, then extra-time will be possible. 21:18


Reggiana substitution: Antonio Vergara out, Filippo Romagna in his place. 21:16


There are 4′ extra minutes allowed by the referee. 21:18


Brunori shoots directly on goal from 20 meters, however throwing a central conclusion that fades away in Bardi’s arms. 21:17


Palermo trying to close the first fraction forward, repeated exchanges between Brunori and Insigne waiting for the right passage. 21:19


TREMOLADA’S WHISTLE: the first half ends. 21:20

Double whistle from Mr. Tremolada of Monza, who puts an end to the first 45′ of this intense match. First half that opens immediately with a shot by Girma, who however strikes imprecisely by sending the ball over the crossbar; Palermo immediately exploited the chance from the corner, with Lund who kicked but found the rebound on the line by Pettinari: Lucioni fell on the rebound, who opened the plate and bagged the ball over the goal line, scoring his first personal goal in the shirt rosanero and the momentary Sicilian advantage. However, Reggiana reacted immediately, touching the goal on two different occasions with razors by the enterprising Girma. In the 42nd minute, however, a hard challenge for Nesta’s line-up arrives, forced to continue the remaining part of the match in numerical inferiority due to a tactical foul committed by Marcandalli to stop Segre’s advance. First half ends after 4′ additional minutes. 21:24

Teams in the changing rooms that can take advantage of the 15′ break. 21:25

2023-08-29 19:19:08
#ReggianaPalermo #Live #Chronicle #LIVE

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