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Record-breaking Participation at the 26th Edition of Fête du Vélo en Anjou with 18,000 Registered Cyclists

The 26th edition of the Fête du Vélo en Anjou took place this Sunday, attracting a massive crowd of cycling enthusiasts. With a total of 18,000 people registered, the event proved to be a resounding success.

The day was blessed with sunny weather, creating the perfect conditions for participants to enjoy the various routes on offer. Municipalities also organized numerous activities, focusing on the theme of biodiversity, further enhancing the overall experience.

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the 116 kilometers of dedicated cycling routes. Participants were eager to make the most of this exclusive opportunity, showcasing their enthusiasm for cycling. Despite the occasionally stifling heat, the general public remained undeterred, with a strong presence throughout the day.

To ensure the safety of all participants, 204 signallers from the Department were stationed along the different loops between Angers and Liré. Their efforts were instrumental in managing the flow of cyclists and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Fortunately, there were no major incidents reported in terms of civil security. Only around fifteen individuals required minor medical attention, a testament to the overall safety measures put in place.

The 26th edition of the Fête du Vélo en Anjou was undoubtedly a resounding success, thanks to the perfect combination of favorable weather, engaging activities, and the unwavering passion of the participants. As the event came to a close, organizers and attendees alike expressed their satisfaction with the day’s proceedings.

With such a remarkable turnout and positive feedback, it is clear that the Fête du Vélo en Anjou continues to be a beloved event in the region. Cycling enthusiasts can already look forward to the next edition, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to once again explore the beautiful landscapes of Anjou on two wheels.

What were some of the engaging activities organized by municipalities during the Fête du Vélo en Anjou to enhance the overall experience for participants

The 26th edition of the Fête du Vélo en Anjou was a huge success, as thousands of cycling enthusiasts came together to celebrate their love for the sport. With a total of 18,000 people registered, the event drew in a massive crowd.

The weather couldn’t have been better, with sunny skies creating the perfect conditions for participants to enjoy the various routes available. Municipalities also organized engaging activities centered around biodiversity, adding to the overall experience.

The highlight of the event was the 116 kilometers of dedicated cycling routes, which participants eagerly explored. Even though the heat was occasionally intense, the general public remained undeterred and showed strong support throughout the day.

Safety was a top priority, with 204 signallers from the Department strategically stationed along the different loops between Angers and Liré. Their efforts played a crucial role in managing the flow of cyclists and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all.

Thankfully, there were no major incidents in terms of civil security. Only a few individuals required minor medical attention, which is a testament to the effective safety measures put in place.

Overall, the 26th edition of the Fête du Vélo en Anjou was a resounding success, thanks to the perfect combination of great weather, engaging activities, and the unwavering passion of the participants. As the event came to a close, organizers and attendees expressed their satisfaction with the day’s proceedings.

With such a remarkable turnout and positive feedback, it’s clear that the Fête du Vélo en Anjou continues to be a beloved event in the region. Cycling enthusiasts can already start looking forward to the next edition, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to once again explore the beautiful landscapes of Anjou on two wheels.

2 thoughts on “Record-breaking Participation at the 26th Edition of Fête du Vélo en Anjou with 18,000 Registered Cyclists”

  1. Wow, what an impressive turnout! It’s wonderful to see so many people coming together to celebrate cycling and promote a healthier and environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Kudos to the organizers and the 18,000 cyclists for breaking records and making this event a massive success. Keep pedaling! 🚲🎉

  2. Wow, the 26th Edition of Fête du Vélo en Anjou truly shattered records with a staggering 18,000 registered cyclists! This event continues to attract enthusiasts, promoting a healthy and eco-friendly way of transportation. Kudos to the organizers for their outstanding efforts in making this year’s event a resounding success.


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