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Recognizing the Warning Signs of Serious Diseases: The Importance of Fatigue

Don’t ignore “fatigue”, it may be an important warning sign of suffering from serious diseases! A middle-aged man in Taiwan often works overtime because he has to make money to support his family. In recent years, he has felt very tired, has not slept well, and it took several weeks to recover from a cold. However, in order to support his wife, he ignored it and continued to work overtime; until later, after receiving a physical examination, the report showed that he had terminal liver cancer. Some doctors have warned that there are three major cancers that most often send out warning signs through “fatigue”.

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Taiwanese senior media person Xiaotong recently appeared on the local health program “Health 2.0》Sharing a case, it refers to a 46-year-old male supervisor who is engaged in e-commerce. He has parents, children, and car loans and house loans. In order to support his family, he still works overtime at home after work every day, more than 12 hours a day. . In the past one or two years, he often feels very tired and weak, sleeps very little, has muscle aches and weakness, often has sore throats and headaches, and even colds take several weeks to recover; moreover, the whites of his eyes will change the next day after every social interaction. Huang and Pozui.

The male supervisor initially thought it was caused by high work pressure and increasing age, so he ignored the above symptoms and continued his usual work pattern. It was not until he accepted a health examination arranged by the company that he discovered that he had liver cancer and it was in the final stage.

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Wang Jianyu, a family medicine doctor present at the scene, added that “fatigue” is one of the symptoms of cancer. If cancer cells have spread throughout the body, you will definitely feel tired. He also urged that if you lose weight, often have low-grade fever, and are so tired that there is no improvement despite seeing a doctor, you should pay more attention.

3 major cancers most commonly use fatigue as a warning sign

Liu Pengchi, a family medicine doctor at Shin Kong Hospital in Taiwan, pointed out earlier that many people worry about whether feeling tired will lead to cancer, but in fact, “cancer can cause fatigue” because fatigue is a normal physiological reaction. When receiving a health check-up, the hospital will arrange a detailed examination to confirm whether it is an organ problem. Therefore, fatigue does not necessarily mean that you have cancer, but cancer will cause obvious fatigue.

Dr. Liu continued that chronic fatigue can be regarded as a warning signal from the body, and may even be a sign of cancer in the body. According to statistics and observations, there are three major cancers that most commonly manifest themselves as fatigue, namelyLung cancer, liver cancer and blood cancer. He explained that these three types of cancer are closely related to the body’s metabolic functions, such as protein synthesis, fatty acid synthesis, regulation of cholesterol metabolism, etc. Therefore, if you suffer from these three types of cancer, it means that the body is in a state of strong inflammation, which will affect the body’s metabolic function. Function becomes worse, causing fatigue easily.

10 Characteristics of Cache Constitution

Dr. Liu explained that when cancer cells grow rapidly, they compete with normal cells for nutrients. If the patient does not supplement enough nutrients, he or she will easily develop a “cache constitution,” causing the body to become very weak. He said that “cache constitution” usually has the following 10 characteristics:

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He added that when a patient develops “cache constitution”, he is likely to be in the middle to late stage of cancer, and his weight will be significantly reduced within 3 months, about 5 to 6%, and a full weight will be lost after 6 months. 10%,

“Sometimes blood is taken even to show severe malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance or anemia.”

8 major causes of liver cancer

Liver cancer is the third cancer killer in Hong Kong. There are about 1,800 new cases every year, 75% of which are men. The average age of onset is 63 to 69 years old. There are more than 1,500 deaths, and 40% of liver cancer patients are in the late stage when diagnosed. . There are 8 main causes of liver cancer:

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9 common symptoms of liver cancer

Pan Dongping, founder and chairman of the Hong Kong Liver and Gastrointestinal Cancer Foundation and a specialist surgeon, once pointed out that early-stage liver cancer is painless and difficult to distinguish even if there is abdominal pain, so it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Since the liver has a self-healing function, it can continue to function normally even if only a small part is left. Therefore, the early symptoms are not obvious, but as the tumor gradually grows, the following 9 common symptoms will appear:

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7 tips to prevent liver cancer

Since the early symptoms of liver cancer are not obvious, many patients are diagnosed with the cancer in the middle and late stages. Treatment of liver cancer is relatively difficult, so prevention is far better than cure. The following 7 tips can help prevent liver cancer:

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Written by: Chen Xiaozi

2023-09-15 08:00:57

#Cancer #KillerMan #works #hours #day #sleep #prone #terminal #liver #cancer #Doctor #Frequent #fatigue #major #cancer #warning #signs #Qingbao #Health #Tumor #Cancer

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