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Recognizing Signs of a Mild Stroke: What You Need to Know

JAKARTA– Signs of a mild stroke may often go unnoticed. This mild stroke is also known as a mini stroke or transient ischemic attack, which is caused by a temporary blood clot.

Quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the main cause of mild strokes is blockage of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This blockage is caused by plaque or air clots in the arteries, causing brain function to be disrupted and triggering signs of a mild stroke.

Generally, the signs of a mild stroke are almost the same as a stroke. The difference is, a mild stroke only lasts for a few minutes and the signs of a mild stroke will disappear by themselves in a matter of hours, which may often go unnoticed.

For example, a person may have difficulty speaking or moving for several minutes before function returns to normal. However, if someone experiences this condition, it must be treated immediately. Because, this condition is considered a serious warning that a total stroke may occur.

The best way to spot signs of stroke is with the FAST test. This test includes several indicators, namely:

Face, one side of the face droops and makes it difficult for sufferers to smile and move their eyelids
Arms, arms are weak or paralyzed
Speech, slurred or unclear speech
Time, immediately contact medical personnel so that treatment can be carried out immediately

Signs of a Mild Stroke

Apart from observing the condition using the FAST method, signs of mild stroke that can appear include:

Nausea and vomiting
Severe headache or tingling in the head
Difficulty swallowing
Visual impairment in one or both eyes
Difficulty understanding what the other person is saying
Loss of balance and body coordination

Apart from that, here are other signs of mild stroke quoted from the Vinmec International Hospital page:

Blood pressure rises suddenly
Weak muscles
Numbness in the arms or legs
Sudden dizziness
Change of consciousness
Temporary memory loss
The body feels tingling
Mood swings
Difficulty in pronunciation

(source: detik.com)

2024-01-10 16:14:00
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