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Recognize the Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension in Children, the Cause Could Be CHD


Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common congenital anomaly in children. CHD that is not treated and detected can be pulmonary hypertension, you know, Mother.

According to the pediatric cardiologist at Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, dr. Rizky Adriansyah, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.A(K) explained that pulmonary hypertension is blood pressure in the pulmonary vessels of more than 25 mmHg. This condition can be experienced in childhood or adulthood.

“In children, the problem often continues into adulthood,” Rizky said in a statement Pfizer Media Health Forum: Recognize the Symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension in Children and How to Treat it via ZoomThursday (10/3/2022).

Pulmonary hypertension occurs due to thickening of the pulmonary blood vessel walls, causing pressure to increase. As a result, the flow in the pulmonary vessels becomes slow. Complications can occur along the course of this disorder, Mother.

Anatomically, the pulmonary vessels in this condition are different from normal ones. In pulmonary hypertension, the blood vessels thicken and impact the heart.

“In an X-ray or ultrasound of the heart, you can see swelling in the heart organs, especially the right side of the heart,” said Rizky.

Causes and symptoms

Reason hypertension The lungs are very varied, yes, Mother. There is a primary cause, which is unknown. There are also secondary causes, namely Congenital Heart Disease (CHD), lung disease, or multiple factors such as chronic infection.

“The cause in most children is CHD. There are other diseases such as HIV, rheumatic heart disease, or lung disease. But in children most often it is CHD and there is a relationship with chromosomal abnormalities or syndromes such as Down syndrome,” said Rizky.

In addition to the causes, the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension in children also vary and are similar to the symptoms of other chronic diseases. However, in this condition, most children may have difficulty breathing.

Pediatric Cardiologist and Congenital Heart Disease Specialist at Harapan Kita Heart Hospital, Jakarta, dr. Radityo Prakoso, Sp.JP(K) said that the initial symptoms usually appear triggered by sports activities. It is associated with right ventricular dysfunction.

The following are the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension in children according to Radityo’s doctor:

  • Hard to breathe
  • Tired easily
  • Chest pain
  • Faint
  • Abdominal distension
  • Leg edema
  • Bleeding cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Like to stop breastfeeding

“Symptoms are very varied, so if it is not examined in detail, this condition cannot be detected,” said Radtyo.

Read the next page to find out the types of examination and management of pulmonary hypertension in children.

See also 5 ways to remove phlegm in babies, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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