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Recognize Symptoms of Stomach Cancer that are Difficult to Detect Early

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Gastric cancer be one of a kind cancer which is difficult to diagnose because the initial symptoms are difficult to detect. Symptoms of cancer stomach generally only will appear when it has entered an advanced stage.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) noted that stomach cancer caused 783 thousand deaths in 2018. Gastric cancer is characterized by abnormal cell growth on the stomach wall.

Gastric cancer occurs when normally healthy cells in the upper digestive system turn into cancer and grow out of control. This process is generally slow and progresses over the years.

Launch Healthline, some medical conditions increase the risk of stomach cancer such as lymphoma, a bacterial infection H. pylori which can cause ulcers, tumors, and polyps.

Gastric cancer is also more common in people aged 50 years and over, men, smokers, and people with a family history of disease.

Several lifestyles play a role in triggering stomach cancer such as consuming too much processed food and red meat, drinking alcohol, and rarely exercising.

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Generally, there are no early symptoms shown by gastric cancer. This makes many new cases known when they have entered an advanced stage.

Some of the most common symptoms of advanced stomach cancer include:

– nausea and vomiting

– frequent heartburn

– loss of appetite, sometimes accompanied by sudden weight loss

– constant bloating

– easy to feel full

– bloody stool

– jaundice

– excessive fatigue

– abdominal pain that is felt after eating

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will generally perform a physical examination to check for any abnormalities. Your doctor will also recommend that you undergo blood tests, including tests for the presence of bacteria H. pylori.

Screening more is needed if the doctor believes that you have symptoms of stomach cancer such as endoscopic procedures, biopsy, and CT scans.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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