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Recall of CableMod 12VHPWR Adapters Due to Safety Concerns Sparks Damage Claims and Malware Controversy

Recall of CableMod’s Adapters Raises Concerns Over Damages and Malware

Gamers Nexus

In recent news, CableMod’s 12VHPWR Adapters have been subject to a safety recall due to potential failure rates, an issue that has caused significant damages and even cyber threats. The recall data suggests an unsettling failure rate of 1.07%. This announcement has sent shockwaves through the gaming and tech community, raising questions about the safety of using CableMod’s products.

Adapters’ Failure Rates Pose Potential Risks


AnandTech highlights the concerning failure rates of CableMod’s 12VHPWR Adapters, estimating the potential risks that users may face. The recall showcases a failure percentage of 1.07%, signifying a potential danger to consumers. This revelation has triggered concerns among gamers and tech enthusiasts.

CableMod’s Angled Adapters Lead to Costly Damages


CableMod’s angled adapter, designed specifically for Nvidia GPUs, has caused damages exceeding a whopping $75,000. The adapter’s faulty design has led to potentially hazardous situations and costly repairs. This recent development has compelled CableMod to take immediate action to address the risks and compensate affected users.

Fire and Burn Hazards in CableMod’s Adapters

Consumer Product Safety Commission

CableMod’s GPU Angled Adapters have been recalled due to their potential of causing fire and burn hazards. The adapters, manufactured by CableMod, have posed a significant threat to the safety of users. The recall issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission emphasizes the importance of addressing such hazards promptly to mitigate any further damage.

CableMod Recalls GPU Power Adapters After Property Damages

Tom’s Hardware

CableMod has recalled its 16-pin GPU power adapters after multiple property damage claims. The adapters, responsible for providing necessary power to graphics processing units, were found to be potentially hazardous. The recalled adapters have led to damages amounting to an alarming $74,500. CableMod is working to resolve this issue to prevent further property damage and ensure user safety.

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