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Reaction of the family when Indra Bekti jokes with Indy Barends after the operation


The fall Indra Bekti being on the toilet has shocked and saddened family and friends, and this one was no exception Indy Barends. When Indra Bekti regained consciousness from the effects of the postoperative anesthesia, he surprisingly was able to joke with his partner immediately.

Previously, Indy Barends said that Indra Bekti was able to ask him to joke even when he was still slumped. Later he began to feel comfortable interacting and responding to people around him.

This moved Indra Bekti’s younger brother Cipta. As is known, the relationship between Indy Barends and Indra Bekti is very close indeed. What amazed Cipta was the brother’s prompt response after the operation.

“I saw that I was really moved, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that he would be conscious and his body’s reaction would be so fast. Because usually what I know is that people who have finished the operation wake up up, the reaction is just like that,” Cipta said, met at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Friday (30/12/2022).

“But this can be a joke, grabbing Indy’s hair all the time. Even trying to lift our heads, it hurts us to see him,” Cipta added.

Cipta also admitted that Indra was trying to hide his pain. Indra’s motivation to recover was also huge.

“But it’s possible to see, Indra’s motivation is really big, very high to be able to recover quickly, so Indra, yes Indra. He doesn’t want to show that I’m sick and I’m fine,” Cipta said.

Earlier, Indy Barends told about his meeting with Indra Bekti after the operation. She was happy to be able to enter the room where Indra Bekti slept.

“Before I was let in, I was really happy in the sense that I was in the room where he sleeps,” said Indy Barends.

“I call eh Bekti, I can’t hold my emotions when I see him. Then look, ‘Hi J-Lo’, he calls me J-Lo. Use ‘Ng’ for a long time. So, Jelong . Outside has not recovered from the all, at least, very happy to have been able to see it. At least today there was a pleasant reaction,” said Indy Barends.


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