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“Raspadori to Juventus”, the background on the Napoli forward revealed

James Raspadori he has already taken Naples since the first blue days. After a long negotiation with the Sassuololast summer the azzurri managed to snatch the italian talent from the neroverdi and remove him from the market. His impact with Spalletti’s group and on the first big occasion of his career was very important.

Jack Raspadori he has already racked up 17 appearances, 5 goals and 2 assists this season. He has shown very important qualities since the first days in blue and Luciano Spalletti he has already used it in various roles.

Napoli Raspadori (Getty Images)

Naples, Juventus liked Raspadori

James Raspadori represents the present and the future of Napoli. In the first months of the Azzurri he had to deal with a new environment, a new group and a new way of thinking about football. Yet it always seemed that he had been living in Naples for years.

In A league he was not among the absolute protagonists of the blue record, at least in numbers, but in Champions League it had a devastating impact. Goals, assists and top scorer: 5 appearances, 4 goals and 1 assist for the great blue journey in Europe.

Maybe that’s why too Juventuslast summer, he had tried to take it. The Sports Gazettein today’s edition, reveals that the bianconeri tried to anticipate Napoli in the race for the class of 2000 and came very close to buying him, until of Lorenzo he didn’t take the field himself.

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