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Rare beaked whale washed up dead at Roggenplaat | NOW

A rare beaked whale was washed up dead on Monday morning at the island Roggenplaat near the Oosterscheldekering. It probably concerns the animal that was seen last week at Wassenaar and later at Zandvoort, he says SOS Dolphin.

The cadaver is brought to Utrecht University to find out the cause of death.

Earlier this month, a beaked whale also washed ashore on the beach in Nieuwpoort, Belgium. This dolphin was still alive and was taken to sea. A day later this animal was found dead at Wenduine.

“Genetic research must show whether there is a relationship between the two animals”, SOS Dolfijn reports. The beaked whales were females of the same size. According to SOS Dolphin, beaked whales are deep-sea creatures. When they end up in the North Sea, they are often animals that have got into trouble and have difficulty surviving.

The last time a live beaked whale washed up in the Netherlands was in 2017. SOS Dolfijn explains that it is often impossible to get help when stranded.

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