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Rainy Weather Expected on Lazarus Day and Palm Sunday in Bulgaria


Rainy weather awaits us on Lazarov’s Day and Palm Sunday

On Lazarus Day and Palm Sunday, the weather will remain under the influence of an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure in the Mediterranean. The cloudiness will be variable with a tendency in the afternoon in many areas in Western and Northern Bulgaria to rain, in the mountains above 1200-1300 meters – snow.

Saturday will be mostly quiet, with more noticeable wind in the mountains. Daytime temperatures will fluctuate between 11 and 16 degrees, with the highest values ​​in the central regions of the Danube Plain and the Upper Thracian Plain.

At night and on Sunday, the cloudiness will remain significant in the western half of the country. Rainfall is again expected in these areas during the day on Palm Sunday.

Temperatures at dawn on Sunday will be between 1 and 6 degrees. In the afternoon, the thermometers with slight fluctuations will show close to Saturday’s values ​​- between 10 and 15-16 degrees.

In the week before Easter, the weather will remain unsettled, with frequent spring showers in the plains of the country. By Wednesday it will be cooler, and as Easter approaches, temperatures will rise and daytime values ​​will reach around and just above 20 degrees. A cold atmospheric front is expected to pass over the holiday weekend – temperatures will remain spring-like, but there will be local showers with thunder.

You can see what the forecast is for your region HERE.

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