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Rainbow Six Siege: Operator creates problems again

As Ubisoft admitted, the world of “Rainbow Six Siege” again has problems with Clash. Until these are fixed, the operator is first deactivated.

In the past it happened several times that the operator clash caused problems in “Rainbow Six Siege” and forced the developers to make corrections accordingly.

As Ubisoft admitted in a current statement, there have again been technical shortcomings in the past few days. This time the developers are dealing with an unspecified exploit that appeared in combination with Clash. In order to be able to fix the exploit in peace, the creators decided to first deactivate Clash.

Clash is currently not available

“We are deactivating Clash today. We encountered an exploit and decided to disable clash. Therefore, Clash will not be available for the game until we have solved the problem, ”says the responsible developers in a nutshell.

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It was not revealed when the operator in question was to be made available again. If there are specific details, we will of course bring you up to date. The “Rainbow Six Siege” community seems to take the whole thing at least with humor, as Clash was not deactivated for the first time due to problems.

“Rainbow Six Siege” is available for the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Source: reddit

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