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Rain for days before flooding, Beware of 5 Lurking Diseases and How to Prevent Them

Illustration of a disease that lurk in the rainy season (Source: Kompas.com)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – In the last few weeks, a number of regions in Indonesia have been hit by extreme weather in the form of rain for days, even accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

High rainfall in several areas also causes flooding, especially for those around river banks.

Denpasar City BPBD Chief Executive, Ida Bagus Joni, said the rainy season had not yet ended in February 2023.

“To stay alert because the rainy season is not over even though it has decreased in intensity,” said Ida Bagus Joni, Friday (24/2/2023), quoted from Bali Tribune.

Not only flooding, during the peak of the rainy season, residents must also be aware of diseases that might lurk due to standing water and humid temperatures.

By knowing what diseases are common during the rainy season, prevention efforts can be carried out quickly and precisely.

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The following are diseases that appear in the rainy season, according to kemkes.go.id.

1.   Influenza

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus that spreads through body fluids such as mucus or saliva.

The symptoms are feeling unwell, fever, aching rheumatic pain, weakness, lethargy, sneezing and feeling pain in the muscles and joints.

How to prevent it is by exercising and getting enough rest, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, washing your hands and wearing a mask when you have a cold.

2. Dengue Fever

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which breeds during the rainy season.

This disease causes symptoms of high fever and flu. If not handled properly, dengue fever is life threatening.

The way to prevent dengue fever is to do 3M plus: draining the bathtub, closing the water container and using used goods and doing PSN (Eradication of Mosquito Nests).

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a digestive disorder characterized by 3 (three) or more watery bowel movements a day.

The cause of diarrhea is consuming food contaminated with bacteria, viruses or parasites. Diarrhea is caused by E. Coli, Salmonella, Shigella bacteria and others.

How to prevent diarrhea by washing hands with soap under running water, defecating in place and maintaining food hygiene and health.

Also Read: Today’s Weather Forecast, BMKG: Jakarta, Central Java, Jambi to NTT Heavy Rain

4. Leptospirosis.

This disease is a zoonotic disease caused by leptospira bacteria and transmitted by animals such as rats, through their urine feces.

Someone who has a wound and is submerged in flood water that has been mixed with rat feces or urine containing lepstopira bacteria, then that person has the potential to be infected and will fall ill.

Steps to anticipate Leptospirosis disease are to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and avoid playing in water during floods, especially when injured.

In addition, use protection such as shoes when going to flood areas and immediately seek treatment at a health facility if you experience symptoms of sudden fever, headache accompanied by chills.

5. Skin disease

During the rainy season, especially during floods, skin diseases often lurk, including infections or allergies.

Usually, special places such as evacuation play a role in the transmission of skin infections. Therefore, always maintain cleanliness and wear boots when exposed to floods.

Writer : Dian Nita

Editor : Faith-Paradise

Source : Kompas TV, Kemkes.go.id

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