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Queen cancels Commonwealth Day church service | royals

entertainment">In addition to Charles, his wife Camilla, Prince William and his wife Catherine and Princess Alexandra will also be in attendance. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester are missing due to a positive corona test from the Duke.

entertainment">The queen recovered from a corona infection not so long ago and carried out some work shortly afterwards. She met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Windsor Castle on Monday. In a statement, Buckingham Palace said other Elizabeth’s appointments would go ahead as planned later in the week.


entertainment">Commonwealth Day, the second Monday in March, has been celebrated since 1972. The day is dedicated to the Commonwealth, which consists of more than 50 Member States. Last year, the annual service at Westminster Abbey was canceled due to the corona crisis. Instead, a special TV broadcast was chosen, in which Elizabeth shared her traditional message.

entertainment">In 2020, Commonwealth Day celebrations continued as usual. That was also the last time Prince Harry and his wife Meghan took action as senior royals of the British royal family.

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