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Putin to Macron: the bombing of the Zaporizhia nuclear electric power plant pitfalls a big-scale catastrophe – Politics – The Earth – NOVA News


The two heads of condition agreed on the have to have to deliver a workforce from the Global Atomic Strength Agency to the plant

Russian President Vladimir Putin reviewed the circumstance at the Zaporizhia nuclear electrical power plant in a phone dialogue with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. The Kremlin explained Putin explained the bombing of the Russian-managed nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine posed the risk of a main disaster.

Russia accuses the Ukrainian military of bombing the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Even so, according to Ukraine, Russian troops have barricaded themselves at the nuclear electric power plant and are bombing areas in Ukraine from there.

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The two heads of state agreed on the have to have to mail a group from the Worldwide Atomic Vitality Company to the plant.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to ship an IAEA mission to the Zaporizhia nuclear ability plant, the Elysée confirmed. The Russian president and his French counterpart have agreed on a new phone conversation in the coming times, before the mission departs.

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