Home » today » News » Putin says Russia will not allow global conflict – 2024-05-13 15:39:19

Putin says Russia will not allow global conflict – 2024-05-13 15:39:19

The Russian leader, Vladimir Putinassured today that Russia will not allow the outbreak of a world conflict despite what he considers Western revanchism, during his speech on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the victory over the Germany Nazi in the Second World War.

Russia “will do everything possible to avoid a global confrontation,” he said. Putin during the traditional military parade in Red Square.

However, the president reiterated the warning that Russian strategic forces are “always” in combat readiness.

Tension with the West

In a clear allusion to the United States and the I’LL TAKE, Putin stressed that Moscow rejects the claims “of any country or alliance to exclusivity.” “We will not allow anyone to threaten us,” he said.

The Russian president accused “Western elites” of betting on “revanchism” and justifying “the current followers of the Nazis,” which he described as part of a policy of instigating regional conflicts, hostility between peoples and religions, and the containment of new independent development centers.

Putin denounced the attempts of Western “colonialists” to “distort” the truth about the Second World War by dismantling monuments to Soviet soldiers and putting “traitors and accomplices” of Hitler.

However, he stressed that Russia has never underestimated the importance of the role of the Western allies in the defeat of Nazism and also recalled the struggle of China against Japanese Imperialism.

“We will never forget our common struggle and inspiring traditions of alliance,” he stressed.

The event was attended by the leaders of six former Soviet republics, including Belarus y Kazakhstan; the Cuban leader, Miguel Diaz-Canel; and the leaders of Laos y Guinea Bissau.

“The entire Western community” works for Ukraine

More than 9,000 soldiers participated in the parade, which began as is traditional at 10:00 local time (07:00 GMT).

Among the soldiers who have paraded along the cobblestones of the Red Square There have been units of combatants in the so-called “special military operation” in Ukraine.

At the end of the parade, the Russian president held a meeting with prominent officers in that campaign, to whom he denounced that “the entire Western community” works for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

“We know that the enemy has enough modern military equipment, since the entire Western community works for our enemy,” he said. Putin during the meeting held at the Kremlin.

Putin accused Western powers of wanting “Russia cease to exist in its current form.”

“They set that objective apparently assuming that, in that system of confrontation that they are creating, Russia It was the weak point, the weak link. I am sure that they have convinced themselves that this is not at all the case. Surely, on the contrary,” she noted.

Upon assuming the presidency for a fifth six-year term, Putin This week he offered the West dialogue on security and strategic stability, but on Monday he ordered the Southern Military District conduct maneuvers with tactical nuclear weapons in response to provocations and threats of EU and the European powers.

The I’LL TAKE has denied that it intends to deploy troops in Ukrainea red line for the Kremlin. EFE

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