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Put your mom in the spotlight on “catch-up Mother’s Day” this Saturday.

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To compensate for the large losses of Mother’s Day on May 10, the Royal Union of Florists of Belgium (KUFB) is organizing a catch-up Mother’s Day across the country on Saturday, August 15. “The prices are summery, you have a nice bouquet for a reasonable price.”

“It is actually only Mother’s Day in Antwerp on 15 August, but because we missed Mother’s Day in May, we want to introduce a replacement Mother’s Day this year. This is to put all mothers, local florists and growers in the spotlight, ”explains director Koen Van Malderen.

Summer prices

On the national Mother’s Day on May 10, florists felt enormously disadvantaged. Garden centers were then allowed to open their doors, but florists were not allowed to set up a collection point for Mother’s Day bouquets. They had to deliver their orders to their customers’ homes. “That was not feasible for all florists, many of them fully rated Mother’s Day,” says Van Malderen.

In the meantime, the supply of ornamental growers has been completely restored after the first lockdown period. Anyone who wants to put his or her mother in the spotlight next Saturday will therefore have to dig less deeply into their pockets. “The prices are summery, you have a nice bouquet for a reasonable price,” says Van Malderen. “It is also a completely different Mother’s Day than in May. There is much more choice in summer bouquets. ”

The catch-up Mother’s Day is organized in collaboration with the Flemish Center for Agricultural and Fisheries Marketing and the Agence Wallonne pour la Promotion d’Une Agriculture de Qualité.

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