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Pupuk Kaltim held free education, health check and VCT for the residents of Loktuan

Bontang (ANTARA) – In commemoration of World AIDS Day 2022, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) conducted HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment trainings as well as free health checkups and voluntary counseling and testing ( VCT) for hundreds of people who live around the company.

This activity in cooperation with Bontang Town Health Bureau and North Bontang Health Center 2, was held at the General Meeting Hall (BPU) of Loktuan Village, North Bontang on Monday (5/12/2022).
SVP of Technology Pupuk Kaltim Heri Subagyo, disclosed that this activity is a form of concern of the company for the improvement of public health status, which is carried out regularly every year.

Both in the form of education and direct examinations as an effort to bring health services closer together while encouraging a healthy lifestyle for the community around the company.

In line with the “Equalize” theme at the commemoration of World AIDS Day 2022, Pupuk Kaltim also calls on the people of Bontang to make efforts to overcome the inequality that hinders progress in overcoming HIV/AIDS.

This is because some people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) still feel discriminated against and stigmatized, so they are embarrassed to seek treatment.

“Through this education, we will hopefully be able to provide support to PLWHAs so that they remain enthusiastic about living life. This step is also a form of Pupuk Kaltim’s commitment to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, especially in Bontang City,” Eri said.

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) has been conducting HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment training as well as free health check up and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for hundreds of people living around the company. (Antaranews Kaltim/HO/PKT)

Besides being a routine agenda for Pupuk Kaltim, this activity is also the company’s effort to support the achievement of 3 HIV/AIDS related zeros in 2030 i.e. zero new cases of HIV infection, zero discrimination of PLWHA and zero HIV/AIDS deaths.

From the education and health checks carried out, it is hoped that the people of Bontang, especially around the company, will become more concerned about their own and their families’ health, in order to prevent and treat both communicable and non-communicable diseases.

“That is why this activity is one of Pupuk Kaltim’s priorities in anticipating the spread of HIV/AIDS from an early age by raising public awareness through education and performing routine checkups. It is hoped that in the future there will be no further spread of HIV/AIDS in Bontang, followed by an increase in the state of public health,” added Harry.

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) has been conducting HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment training as well as free health check up and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for hundreds of people living around the company. (Antaranews Kaltim/HO/PKT)

Loktuan Lurah Hadi Jumianto, expressed his appreciation for Pupuk Kaltim’s continued role in promoting health and education services for people in his area.

Hadi said that this activity was very helpful in raising shared awareness of the dangers of HIV/AIDS so that it could be anticipated by the community, starting from the smallest setting, namely the family.

“By the continued efforts we make, we can prevent HIV/AIDS by raising public awareness through the education provided. That’s why we welcome this activity, because knowledge of this issue is important for the community to understand well,” said Hadi.

He hopes that this education can continue to be carried out by Pupuk Kaltim, so that the risk of spreading HIV/AIDS in the community can be suppressed more optimally.

Likewise with health checks, which are one of the important things to ensure the condition of the community from all potential diseases.

“Hopefully this activity will continue, especially the health checks, especially for RT officials in Loktuan village. Because they are the spearhead of community service,” Hadi added.

The head of the Bontang Health Bureau, drg. Toetoek Pribadi Ekowati also welcomed Pupuk Kaltim’s health screening and TVC education.

According to him, VCT is one of the efforts to detect the potential for HIV/AIDS in the community, which has risky behavior so that massive transmission does not occur.

From this activity, the people of Bontang are also expected to have the commitment and sensitivity to participate together in overcoming inequalities in overcoming HIV/AIDS, so that in the future there will no longer be the stigma associated with sick people in so they can be enthusiastic about recovering from illness.

“Because it is the virus that must be avoided, not the person. This disease is not the end of everything and the patient can be healthy again. For this we thank you for the educational and health services that Pupuk Kaltim has implemented for the people of Loktuan,” Toetoek said.

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