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Public function disables the editorial of Nexos magazine for two years

The Ministry of Public Function (SFP) disqualified the publishing house Nexos Sociedad, Ciencia y Literatura SA de CV, to which the magazine Nexos belongs, – directed by Héctor Aguilar Camín -, for a period of two years.

According to a circular published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) the dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, productive companies of the State, and the federal entities must refrain from accepting proposals or entering into contracts with the publishing company.

“They must refrain from receiving proposals or entering into any contract on the matters of acquisitions, leases, services, public works and services related to them, with said moral, directly or through a third party, for a period of two years.”

“In the event that on the day the disqualification period expires, the company Nexos Sociedad, Ciencia y Literatura SA de CV has not paid the fine imposed through the aforementioned resolution, the disqualification will subsist until the corresponding payment is made. of the same ”, reads the circular.

The SFP later detailed it’s a statement that the publisher violated the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector by presenting false information in a direct award of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in 2018.

For this reason, the Internal Control Body in the IMSS decided to sanction the company with disqualification for 2 years and a fine for 999 thousand 440 pesos, “By proving that fraudulently presented false information to obtain the public contract ”.

“In this administrative sanctioning process, it was proven that the company delivered documentation with false information when obtaining the direct assignment of a contract for the dissemination of the institutional campaign of the highest importance for the country’s public health: Check-measure-move ”.

The agency clarified that the sanction does not apply to those agreements that have already been awarded or formalized.

Is it a political attack ?, asks Aguilar Camín

The director of the magazine Nexos, Héctor Aguilar Camín, said that he will proceed by legal means to annul the disqualification “founded arbitrarily.”

“We understand it as a declaration of hostility from the government towards this publication,” he said.

In an interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva in Formula Radio, Aguilar Camín explained that it is a matter of the magazine with Social Security that has to do with the hiring of an advertising page, where the magazine entered the contest and won, but one of the papers they requested, according to them, were counterfeit.

“The correct papers were presented four or five times and the matter was settled,” he declared.

“Is it silly, a bureaucratic rush or is it a political attack?” He questioned.

The political intention, he said, is to point out the magazine and isolate it from public money, “it is a way of reminding us that this government acts with public money, as if it were theirs and not as a resource that citizens can have access to.” he declared.

With information from Radio Fórmula

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