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PSG-Skriniar, last word to Zhang: “A suspect came to Inter after noticing …”

The email signed by Paris Saint-Germain has not yet arrived, but at Inter everyone is expecting it before the end of the transfer market

The email signed by Paris Saint-Germain with a quote for Milan Skriniar it hasn’t arrived yet, but at Inter everyone expects it before the end of the transfer market. Also because, writes the Gazzetta dello Sport, the comings and goings of agents and intermediaries made the Nerazzurri managers suspect that the matter is not over at all:

Zhang will not be called to the decision now because the Parisian assault has not yet arrived in substance. Indeed, it has not even been scheduled: since the former Real Madrid ds Luis Campos is at the helm, PSG has changed strategy. He knows the art of patience and saving. He hovers over the skies of Europe like a vulture waiting to swoop down when the salesman is in trouble. Attention, there is no certainty that this will happen but, crossing the signals coming from France and noticing the wriggling of agents and intermediaries, the suspect in Viale della Liberazione has come. Maybe it won’t happen immediately, but not even in the very last days of August“.

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