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Protect Yourself: Detecting Fentanyl in Drugs Using Test Strips

As cases involving accidental consumption or distribution of fentanyl grow in New York City, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene explains how to detect if the powerful opioid is present in other drugs.

“Fentanyl is frequently found in heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine, and pills from non-medical sources,” the agency says.

Likewise, they point out that fentanyl cannot be identified through the senses, such as taste or smell, but rather the use of test strips is essential.

“Test strips can prevent an overdose if used correctly and with other risk reduction practices,” says the New York City Department of Health.

How to detect if fentanyl is mixed with other drugs, using test strips

Step One: Place 10 mg of the drug in a small, clean, dry container (should be enough to cover Abraham Lincoln’s hair on a penny).

For greater effectiveness in the result, it is advisable that the drug be crushed.

Second step: Depending on the drug, you will add a certain amount of water, mixing thoroughly.

For methamphetamine, MDMA, and ecstasy, use one teaspoon of water for every 10 mg of the crystal or powder you are testing. For the rest of the drugs, add half a teaspoon of water.

Third step: Place the test strip with the corrugated side down in the water. Let the strip absorb the water for 15 seconds. After time, take it out of the water and place it on a flat surface, waiting two more minutes.

The positive result occurs when a red line is seen towards the left.

If it is negative, the test returns two lines, while a null result occurs when no line appears or is located right in the middle.

The New York City Department of Health clarifies that test strips cannot be used more than once.

It also reminds you that Narcan (naloxone) is an emergency drug that is administered in case of overdose, reversing the effects. Call 311 to find out where you can get it.

Fentanyl overdose in New York

According to official data, more than 2,650 deaths are reported annually due to the consumption of this drug. On average, there are 8 deaths per day. Numbers by county:

“The first thing is to know the symptoms and educate families to identify if there is a member who is using substances,” explains Cristina Jara, counselor of American Addiction Centers.

Keep in mind that fentanyl is a fast-acting synthetic opioid, which is between 30 and 50 times more deadly than heroin.

What to do when someone overdoses on fentanyl

The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) gives these tips to save a life when someone suspects they are facing a person who has overdosed on fentanyl.

1. Call 911 immediately.

2. Administer naloxone, if available. Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and save lives. It is available in all 50 states and can be purchased at a local pharmacy without a prescription in most places.

3. Keep the person awake and breathing.

4. Lay the person on their side to prevent suffocation.

5. Stay with the person until emergency assistance arrives.

Free Naloxone in New York

New York City has an agreement with several pharmacies where people can request free overdose kits.

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2023-11-03 01:24:00
#drug #mixed #fentanyl #test #strips

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