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Prostate Cancer Patients May Consume Low Fat Meat

JAKARTA – The medical staff of the Urology Department of Medicine, RSCM-FKUI, dr. Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid said prostate cancer patients do not need to be afraid of eating meat, including when treating their disease.

“Patients can still eat meat? Yes, maybe because there is a good source of protein from animals. We emphasize a balanced diet. Indeed, there are some risks that too much fat is not recommended,” he said in a virtual media briefing to coincide with the World Cancer Day 2021 warning, Wednesday. .

According to him, who is also a consultant for Uro-Oncology Specialist at Siloam Hospitals ASRI, patients need to choose meat that does not have a lot of fat and pay attention to the portion of meat so that it exceeds the body’s protein requirements. Meat is one of the sources of animal protein that patients need in treating cancer, one of which plays a role in healing wounds after surgery.

“Cancer treatment is such as surgery, (patients) need wound healing. If we don’t support protein properly, the wound does not heal and will cause complications,” he said. Furthermore, regarding diet, Agus suggests multidisciplinary treatment including involving clinical nutritionists to determine the best dietary pattern because one patient can differ from another.

She highlighted the risk of malnutrition that could occur in patients who focus too much on challenged foods. So that this condition does not occur, he advises patients to adjust their diet, including increasing their daily intake of vegetables and fruit and to be aware of excessive fat consumption.

On that occasion, a urology specialist at the Urology Medical Department at RSCM-FKUI, Dr. dr. Nur Rasyid, said prostate cancer can appear when a man is young, at the age of 50, in the form of prostate inflammation, benign prostate enlargement to prostate cancer.

The problem is, between the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer, so early detection can be a way out at the same time to prevent new cancer being treated at an advanced stage. “Early detection can start with complaints, then do a rectal plug to feel for any suspicions of cancer and blood tests in the form of a prostate-specific agent (PSA). If there is suspicion, to confirm with a prostate biopsy,” he said, who serves as Chair of the ASRI Urology Center ( AUC) Siloam Hospitals ASRI.

Agus added, early stage cancer is generally asymptomatic. When complaints arise such as difficulty defecating, blood in the urine, bone pain and erectile dysfunction, it usually indicates that the cancer has entered a high stage. If you have this, Agus suggests a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis so that treatment can be done more quickly. (E-4)

News Source: BETWEEN.

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