Marie France editorial staff

Wednesday 21 September 2022

updated Wednesday 21 September 2022

Princess Anne, who is the second daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, is an important figure in the English royal family. Discreet about her private life, she has often remained in the shadows, but her life makes her the rebellious princess of the British royal family.

Members of the royal family of England must abide by many rules of fairness and neutrality. While the general public is well aware of the details of the private lives of some members of the British crown, Princess Anne’s life is far less publicized.

Today, at the age of 72, she is the only daughter of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s children. Princess Anna fascinates for her mystery, but also for her life choices that are often unconventional compared to what one would expect from a princess.

From her marriage to her methods of raising her children, discover the unusual twists and turns of the princess’s life.

Discover the rebellious daughter of Elizabeth II: Princess Anne

Great figure of independent and active woman, she distinguished herself in various sports, escaped kidnappings and almost triggered an international diplomatic incident!


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Marie France, women’s magazine