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Prince Mohammed bin Salman: Saudi Arabia’s Success Story of the 21st Century and Achieving Vision 2030 Goals

Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Crown Prince, said that the Kingdom is “the biggest success story of the twenty-first century, and it is the story of this century.” Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s words came as part of a comprehensive interview with the chief political broadcaster on the American Fox News station, Bret Baier, from the city of NEOM.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman pointed out that Saudi Arabia is currently the fastest growing country in all sectors, and said, “Our goal is to always achieve the best in Saudi Arabia, and turn challenges into opportunities.” He continued, “Vision 2030 is ambitious, and we achieved its goals faster, and we set new goals with greater ambition.” ». Prince Mohammed bin Salman explained that “Saudi Arabia achieved the fastest growth in GDP among the G20 for two consecutive years.”

Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the interview

The Saudi Crown Prince also said that the Kingdom tried to join the “Group of Seven Great Countries,” but some countries wanted to dictate conditions. The Crown Prince added: “I focus my time on pursuing what serves the interests of Saudi Arabia and its people,” adding that “the Saudi people believe in change, and they are the ones pushing for it… and I am one of them.”

Prince Mohammed bin Salman said, “Our investment in tourism has raised its contribution to the gross domestic product from 3 percent to 7 percent.” He added that tourism in Saudi Arabia “attracted 40 million visits… and we target 100 million to 150 million in 2030.”

Regarding the political aspect, the Saudi Crown Prince said, in the interview that was broadcast at dawn today, Thursday: “We are discussing with the Americans to reach good results that will alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians,” and he stressed the importance of resolving the Palestinian issue, considering this essential in any normalization of relations with Israel. Regarding the suspension of negotiations regarding the relationship with Israel, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that “this is not true… and it is progressing every day, and we will see where it will reach.” He believed that “if the Biden administration succeeds in concluding an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, this will be the largest agreement since the end of the Cold War.” The Saudi Crown Prince said, “The upcoming agreements with the United States are beneficial to the two countries and to the security of the region and the world.”

Regarding the relationship with Iran, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that it is “progressing well, and we hope that it will continue to do so for the benefit of the security and stability of the region.” He stressed that “any nuclear arms race in the region will not only threaten its security, but also threaten the security of the world.” He continued, “The balance of power in the region requires that we obtain a nuclear weapon whenever Iran obtains one.” He pointed out that it was China that chose to “mediate between us and the Iranians.”

Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the comprehensive political dialogue with Bret Baier, from the city of NEOM.

The Saudi Crown Prince said in the interview, the first with a major American news network since 2019, that the decisions to reduce oil production are aimed at stabilizing the market and not helping Russia in its war. Regarding the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the Saudi Crown Prince said: “Our relations are good with Russia and Ukraine, and we prefer the path of dialogue, and we do not support one party at the expense of another.”

The Saudi Crown Prince spoke about relations with the United States, and said: “We have important security ties with Washington… We have a special relationship with President (Joe) Biden, and he is very focused and prepares himself well.” He continued that Saudi Arabia wants American and foreign companies to invest in a safe environment in the Middle East, adding: “We are one of the five largest buyers of American weapons, and our move to buy weapons from countries other than the United States is not in its interest.”

2023-09-21 10:46:01
#Mohammed #bin #Salman #Saudi #Arabia #story #century.. #Palestinian #issue #important #normalization

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