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Prince Harry had cigarettes, alcohol oozed from ‘every pore’ before Meghan: Katie Couric

Prince Harry smelled of alcohol and cigarettes during a meeting with Katie Couric, years before his relationship with Meghan Markle, the former host of Today has stated.

Katie Couric interviewed the Duke of Sussex in 2012 in Brazil for an ABC program about Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee.

Couric, who works alongside Harry at the Aspen Commission on Information Disorder, said it was during his “wild oat planting phase” in his biography. Going There .

Quoted by The Daily Mail , the CBS host wrote that cigarettes and alcohol seemed to “ooze from every pore.”

Harry told his Apple TV documentary series The Me You Can ‘t See how he experienced four years of chaos between the ages of 28 and 32.

Prince Harry said: “I was willing to drink, I was willing to do drugs. I was willing to do the things that made me feel less the way I did.

“But slowly bI realized that, okay, I didn’t drink Monday through Friday, but I would probably drink a week’s worth in a day, on a Friday or Saturday night.

“And I would find myself drinking not because I enjoyed it, but because I was trying to mask something. “

The duke turned 28 the same month he flew for his second tour of Afghanistan, in September 2012, four months after his interview with Couric was aired.

Harry met the journalist at a polo match in Brazil and did an interview in which he talked about the wedding of his brother, Prince William, to Kate Middleton the year before and how sad it was that Diana was not there.

Harry said, “No, of course I did, I think she probably had the best seat in the house. She would have loved to be there. She would have loved Kate. “

And he added: “When we were young it was very easy to take our grandmother for granted. She was just a grandmother to us. And only in the last five, eight, ten years have I learned to understand and accept the great problem that she represents both in the world. world as in the UK “

Harry also spoke about wanting to have children from a young age, an ambition that he has now fulfilled with his wife Meghan and their two children Archie. This is a brief summary.

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