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Prevention of Bird Flu, Livestock Traffic in Tangerang District Supervised

Officers check the health of chickens – special photo

REGENCY. TANGERANG – The Department of Agriculture and Food Security (DPKP) of Tangerang Regency supervises livestock traffic in anticipation and mitigation of the risk of transmission of the new Clade Avian Flu virus.

This mitigation is carried out in an effort to prevent Extraordinary Events (KLB) of diseases transmitted from poultry in the Tangerang Regency area. “So far we have prepared several mitigation measures to prevent the introduction of a new variant of bird flu in Tangerang Regency,” said the Head of DPKP Tangerang Regency, Asep Jatnika in his statement, Sunday (5/3/2023).

He mentioned, the mitigation carried out included coordinating with agencies related to awareness of an increase in cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) which is zoonotic.

Then, his party will re-activate Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR) by conducting surveillance and responding if there are reports and cases that lead to Avian Influenza are found.

“We provide guidance to poultry owners/breeders regarding vigilance and reporting if clinical signs are found that lead to Avian Influenza, namely decreased production and sudden death,” he said.

Furthermore, he said, the Tangerang Regency DPKP will monitor livestock traffic and report to i-Sikhnas any clinical signs that lead to Avian Influenza.

“Responding to reports/information on suspected Avian Influenza and coordinating with the Subang Veterinary Center for sampling,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Animal and Veterinary Public Health Division of the DPKP Tangerang Regency, Joko Ismadi, added that so far the Tangerang Regency has not found any cases of Avian influenza infecting poultry.

However, he continued, his party had conducted surveillance of several poultry suspected of being infected with bird flu.

“Yesterday we took samples to determine whether the poultry was infected with the new or old variant. And there is only one tail, so we will continue to monitor its progress,” he said.

He explained, Avian influenza (AI) is an acute viral disease in poultry caused by type A influenza virus, subtypes H5 and H7.

According to him, all types of poultry can be infected with the influenza A virus, which is zoonotic and the mortality rate is very high because it can reach 100 percent.

“Transmission can occur through direct contact of infected birds and sensitive birds through the respiratory tract, conjunctiva, mucus and feces, or indirectly through dust, feed, drinking water, staff, cage equipment, shoes, clothes and vehicles contaminated with the AI ​​virus and infected live birds,” he said.

Previously, the emergence of two cases of death due to a new variant of bird flu, namely New Clade influenza A or H5N1 virus in Cambodia again made a number of countries including Indonesia apply vigilance.

From the previous bird flu cases that appeared in Indonesia in 2005, and at that time H5N1 cases were found in Jakarta with a higher rate than other areas in the country.

Then, in 2006 there were 55 cases with a high mortality rate reaching 45 cases.


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