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Present by Milei, the gang chants towards Kirchner and Sanchez

(ANSA) – BUENOS AIRES, MAY 22 – A present organized by the Argentine president Javier Milei for the presentation of his newest ebook skilled its hottest second when the roughly 8,000 individuals who flocked to the ‘Luna Park’ in Buenos Aires on Thursday night first chanted to jail for former president Cristina Kirchner and subsequently sang songs towards Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Two moments that Milei welcomed smiling with evident satisfaction and which he then commented on with irony. “I might sing with you however I am unable to as a result of a query of respect for the division of powers,” the Argentine president stated relating to the request to see his principal political opponent in jail. And when his supporters chanted a refrain of insults towards the Spanish Prime Minister (“Sanchez son of a bitch”), Milei smiled and referred to the additional hours of labor that the circumstance will price him to the Overseas Minister, Diana Mondino, already at caught up within the diplomatic disaster with Spain triggered by controversial statements by the Argentine president made in Madrid. As promised, the present started with the musical efficiency of Milei who sang the tune ‘Panic Present’ by the group La Renga accompanied by a band, which has now turn out to be an actual anthem of the Argentine president’s rallies. (HANDLE).

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#Present #Milei #crowd #chants #Kirchner #Sanchez
– 2024-05-23 04:37:14

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