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“Preparing for the Return to Work: Occupational Health Experts Warn and Advise for Post-Confinement Effects”

May 11 is approaching, with its possible return to work for many. A not insignificant return, on which the AIST 87, the “occupational medicine”, and the entire regional network warn and advise.

This deconfinement, in the business world, it is not May 11. He must reflect and prepare beforehand. On the side of employers, like employees, for that matter.
Then, this return to the company does not stop on May 12. He must accompany himself.
Finally, it will be necessary to be vigilant for a long time as to its effects and consequences, in particular psychological. [Pascal Dumont, directeur de l’AIST de Haute-Vienne]

During confinement, occupational medicine fulfilled its role as such, and provided psychological cells, in particular for the attention of caregivers.

But as May 11 approaches, the Présanse regional network (sic), which brings together the 22 occupational health services of Nouvelle Aquitaine, including l’AIST 87wanted to issue warnings and advice for this return to work.

Because there will of course be the risks, fears, and measures directly linked to the Coronavirus, in the workplace, to be managed.
Because, as a result, doing as before is not possible, and the very organization of work must evolve.
Because the economic, and therefore psychological, consequences of confinement can upset this work.

We therefore already find on the various sites of multiples supportsto better approach this appointment, and they will be completed.

Before May 11?

This is of course where we must anticipate the implementation or re-implementation of barrier gestures, means of protection, distancing, simply life, in the company.
Also what this work can be, according to these particular circumstances, and its organization.
But everyone should also assess the effects of confinement on themselves, and what they could change at work.

Anticipation, foresight and consultation should be the key words.

May 11 and after

The date is only symbolic, the return to work, as such, will take time. During which it will be necessary to continue to ensure health security measures, ideally adapt the work to the realities, and finally support all the staff.

One of the challenges will be to rethink the work, its workload, its organization and the means to accomplish it. [Pascal Dumont, directeur de l’AIST de Haute-Vienne]

Thus Pascal Dumont takes the example of teleworking: “ For those who have just spent almost two months there, autonomy, capacity, charge, in one direction or the other, things have been able to evolve. These are points on which it will be necessary to be vigilant ».

Finally, and AIST 87 has worked particularly hard on this area, the psychological risks linked to confinement and this recovery should not be underestimated, the consequences of which could appear well after mid-May.

Also, in addition to its website, AIST 87 reminds its contacts, for all practical purposes, which you will find below:
Telephone: or by email: [email protected]

Other useful links

Ministry of Labour

#Coronavirus #employees #employers.. #Advice #Occupational #Medicine #HauteVienne #postconfinement

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