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Pramono Anung’s journey against empty boxes in Kediri, was not approved, is now superior while real count page all

KOMPAS.com – The son of politician Pramono Anung, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana, became the sole candidate in the Pilkada Kediri 2020.

Until the registration period was closed, there was no other candidate who would challenge Dhito, Hanindhito’s nickname.

Now against the empty box, the candidate pair has a temporary lead in the count real count KPU.

Also read: Real Count KPU Pilkada Kediri Data 69.13 Percent: Hanindhito Anak Pramono Anung Outperformed Empty Boxes

Initially not approved

KOMPAS.com/RAKHMAT NUR HAKIM Seskab Pramono Anung at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday (17/2/2020)-It turned out that his father did not approve of Dhito because he was still young and had a career in Jakarta.

In fact, a strong push came from the PDI-P DPP so that Pramono would bless his son.

“At first you didn’t agree, but in the end because this was a party assignment. My family and I realized that the Kediri Government needed many extraordinary changes, so we decided, all out go forward in the Pilkada of Kediri Regency, “said Dhito Compass TV.

Meanwhile, Dhito himself admitted that he needed time to think for a week until he was finally convinced to go forward on Kediri regional election.

Also read: KPU Real Count for the Kediri Regional Head Election, Dhito-Dewi While Outperforming Empty Box

Pilkada illustrationCOMPASS / THIS SIHONO Pilkada illustration-Supported by 9 parties

In the Kediri regional election, Dhito was paired with Dewi Maria Ulfa.

They received recommendations from nine parties, namely PDI-P, PKB, Golkar, PAN, Democrat, Nasdem, PKS, Gerindra, and PPP.

Thus, all political parties supported Dhito-Dewi.

Even from an independent pathway, there were no challenging candidates.

Also read: Fighting Empty Boxes in the Kediri Regional Election, This Is Pramono Anung’s Message for His Eldest Son …

Opposite empty squares

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2020/12/10/12093391/perjalanan-anak-pramono-anung-lawan-kotak-kosong-di-kediri-sempat-tak?page=4" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Pilkada illustrationKOMPAS.COM/PRIYOMBODO Pilkada illustration-Until September 13, 2020, until the registration extension period for the Kediri Pilkada is closed, no other candidates have registered with the KPU Kediri.

“Until registration is closed, the KPU only gets one pair of candidates,” said Anwar Ansori, Commissioner for the Technical Division of KPU Kediri Regency, when contacted, Monday (14/9/2020).

After conducting a plenary meeting, the KPU decided to extend the registration period on 11-13 September 2020.

However, until that date, there were still no other candidates who had registered.

Practically, Dhito who is paired with Dewi Maria Ulfa will fight the empty box.

Also read: 6,868 Regional Election Ballots in Kediri Regency are Damaged, Some Are Torn and the Pictures Are Translucent

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2020/12/10/12093391/perjalanan-anak-pramono-anung-lawan-kotak-kosong-di-kediri-sempat-tak?page=5" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Cabup Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana during a meeting with Pramono Anung in Kediri shortly before voting, Wednesday (9/12/2020).Special Cabup Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana during a meeting with Pramono Anung in Kediri shortly before voting, Wednesday (9/12/2020).-

The father’s blessing and prayers

Having been said that he did not agree with his son’s nomination, Pramono Anung finally gave his blessing, even his prayers.

While leaving for the polling station (TPS) Pramono Anung was present in a tumpengan that was held by Dhito at his home, Cipta Budaya Housing, Sukorejo, Ngasem, Kediri, Wednesday (9/12/2020).

Pramono prayed that his children could become leaders who could make Kediri Regency even better.

He also advised his children to stay away from corrupt practices.

“Hopefully the youth leadership will be able to change the face of Kediri for the better,” said Pramono after the tumpengan event before leaving for the polls.

Also read: Viral Photo of Circling Clouds Like a Ring in Kediri, What Clouds Are They?

Win while fighting empty squares

In the 2020 Kediri Pilkada, Hanindhito was known to be fighting an empty box.

Judging from the official KPU website, pilkada2020.kpu.go.id, the Dhito-Dewi pair won while in the Kediri regional election.

From the observation on Thursday (10/12/2020) at 09.05 WIB, the data that had entered reached 2,289 from 3,311 polling stations or 69.13 percent.

The provisional results, Dhito-Dewi won 413,453 votes or 76.9 percent.

Meanwhile, empty boxes received 124,485 votes or 23.1 percent.

Dhito-Dewi excelled in all sub-districts which totaled 26.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Kediri contributor, M Agus Fauzul Hakim | Editor: Dheri Agriesta, David Oliver Purba)

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