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“PP Candidate for Mayor of Jan Commits to Creating More Hotel Beds for Tourism Boost”

28M.- The PP candidate for Mayor of Jan will support the creation of more hotel beds in the city

The PP candidate for Mayor of Jan, Agustn Gonzlez, has committed to the Association of Accommodation, Camping, Tourist and Cultural Services, Active Tourism and Leisure Companies of the province of Jan, TurJan, to “promote and facilitate” the expansion of the hotel beds in the jiennense capital.


The PP candidate for Mayor of Jan, Agustn Gonzlez, has committed to the Association of Accommodation, Camping, Tourist and Cultural Services, Active Tourism and Leisure Companies of the province of Jan, TurJan, to “promote and facilitate” the expansion of the hotel beds in the jiennense capital.

González has indicated that if he becomes Mayor, the City Council will promote the ideal conditions for the sector to have a greater offer. “We agree with the Association that there is a lack of hotel capacity and we are aware of the importance of tourism for the economy of the capital”, said González, who has reiterated his commitment to develop a management that allows solving the problem of the lack of plazas.

In this sense, he referred to his project to create a leisure center in the current bus station and that “it will be a social and economic boost for the city” since it also includes more hotel beds.

In fact, the Jan City Council already announced last March the transfer of the facilities of the Hotel Rey Fernando, which shares space with the bus station, to a business group for its rehabilitation as a three-star hotel with 70 rooms. It will be the company that undertakes the rehabilitation of the building so that it will function as a hotel again in 2025.

Agustn Gonzlez has highlighted the important work carried out by TurJan and its willingness to collaborate and provide them with access to the annual planning of sporting and cultural events planned in the city, since “these activities generate flows of visitors”.

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