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Poultry too… in fear of the virus | Weekly 39

Rachel Roussel-Voisard 6,000 white Gauloises per year “only”: quality before quantity.

A few isolated farms in the depths of Bresse. An air from the end of the world where the Covid and viral psychoses seem to be out of place, not to say incongruous.
Fault ! It is indeed necessary to show a white paw to enter the farm of Rachel Roussel-Voisard, located in Chapelle-Voland: protection on the shoes, disinfectant bath in a footbath. It must be said that at the other end of France birds have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands to contain another galloping epidemic, that of avian flu (H5N1 and H5N8 viruses). According to the farmer who produces 6,000 Bresse chickens per year, “we have not learned the lessons of history, because avian flu had already raged in 2016, 2017, and 2018”.
However, very strict specifications apply to farms with “more than 60 points to be observed” according to Bressane, such as a visit from a veterinarian. During an official visit, the secretary general of the prefecture of Jura, Justin Babillote, was interested, among other things, in the repercussions of the economic and health crisis on the “Bresse chicken” sector.
Rachel Roussel-Voisard could have been severely impacted, because she explained previously selling “66% of its production to restaurateurs, especially local”. Among them are great starred chefs, and recognition of the quality of the work accomplished, also attested by numerous distinctions including that of the Grand prix d’honneur for capon won at the famous “Glorieuses de Bresse” in 2007. An aura that perhaps has him to be allowed to bounce back: “I registered on the platform J’veux du local” (site listing local producers and markets), I sold for the first time in a market, etc. “. And despite the imposing weight of her capons (which can feed nearly 10 people), “I ran out of capons for holiday meals, like every year” she confides. Proof that the 100% local (Rachel Voisard even ensuring the coup de grace of her animals thanks to the CE certified slaughterhouse, undoubtedly “the smallest in Europe”) can undoubtedly take advantage of this difficult period …

The farm was visited by Justin Babillote, secretary general of the prefecture and Jean-Louis Maïtre, president of the Bresse Haute-Seille community of municipalities (from left to right).
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