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“Potential for United Indonesia Coalition to Join PDIP with Ganjar Pranowo as Presidential Candidate”


PPP said there was an opportunity for the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) join PDIP with the condition that Ganjar Pranowo as presidential candidate. Golkar Party assessed that there is potential for KIB to merge with PDIP to become KIB plus, but with a number of notes.

“If there is an opportunity, of course there is joining the PDIP or joining the grand coalition which we are currently contemplating. So the possibility exists,” said Golkar Party DPP chairman Lamhot Sinaga to journalists, Friday (28/4/2023).

The first note is that the Golkar Party is still running for chairman Airlangga Hartarto. However, according to the Golkar Party politics is a dynamic thing.

“Right now, we are still consistent in supporting Pak Airlangga in the presidential election contest. So, right now, no one has registered with the KPU, even though it has been declared there, for example like that, it’s not something that can’t change, it’s still dynamic,” he said.

The dynamics in politics, according to Golkar, are that there are still meetings between the general chairmen of the KIB party to discuss the opportunities that exist. While in Golkar there are still a number of choices related to the 2024 presidential election.

“But what is clear for Golkar is that there are still many options. In Golkar there are still many options in the context of the presidential election contest. So as usual, we are not reckless, Golkar is not reckless,” he said.

The Golkar Party, said Lamhot, is currently focusing on building a grand coalition with other parties, but it takes time to unify views. Meanwhile, with the Gerindra Party, Golkar already feels one frequency.

“The communication that is currently being built is to build a national coalition between KIB and KIR, we are the main focus here. The trend is indeed between Gerindra and Golkar is almost certain, but uniting other political parties including PAN and also PKB takes time for the same frequency. But between Gerindra and Golkar there is one frequency to build a national coalition,” he added.

PPP DPP chairman Achmad Baidowi or Awiek previously said there was a chance for KIB to join PDIP. PPP said that KIB has the potential to become KIB plus with the condition that the presidential candidate they carry agrees on behalf of Ganjar Pranowo.

“Last night KIB was still solid, then later will KIB join together with PDIP, yes there is a chance, if the presidential candidate is the same as Mr. Ganjar. If he joins, his name is as stated by KIB plus plus friends,” Awiek said when contacted, Friday (28/4).

He said last night’s KIB meeting was to convey PPP’s internal results which had brought Ganjar, a PDIP cadre, as a presidential candidate. According to Awiek, each party in KIB respects this decision.

“As for KIB last night, Mr. Ketum had conveyed to Mr. Airlangga and Mr. Zulhas regarding the internal results of PPP. And KIB understood because it was indeed PPP’s internal domain, the same was the case when Golkar decided Mr. Airlangga as its presidential candidate at the National Conference and also Mr. Zulhas in the national meeting, the name Mr. Ganjar was mentioned,” said Awiek.


2023-04-29 00:12:31

#Golkar #Open #KIB #PDIP #Frequency #Gerindra

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