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Poste Italiane, here’s how to get a loan without a paycheck

Obtaining a loan without a paycheck from Poste Italiane is possible. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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The last period has been characterized by the negative impact of Covid on our lives, which has brought with it repercussions that were unimaginable until recently. In addition to having to change many of our habits, in fact, we find ourselves having to deal with a serious crisis economic, which sees many people struggling with serious difficulties from the point of view of managing family finances. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs have had to lower the shutters of their businesses, recording a sharp decline in turnover.

If all this were not enough, there are many people who unfortunately find themselves in no longer have a job and precisely for this reason the government has decided to approve a series of ad hoc measures, such as those envisaged in Support Decree Bis. At the same time, many are looking for immediate liquidity, so much so that they decide to request a loan. Precisely in this context it will be interesting to know that it is possible to obtain a loan without a paycheck from Poste Italiane, provided they meet certain requirements. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Poste Italiane, obtaining a loan without a paycheck is possible: how it works

As mentioned, get a loan without paycheck of Poste Italiane is possible.
In practice, it is a mini loan dedicated to PostePay Evolution card holders, for which it is possible to request a minimum sum of one thousand euros up to 3 thousand euros.

To be repaid in 22 fixed monthly installments, the important thing is to have one PostePay Evolution or a Banca Posta current account. Indeed, it is through these payment instruments that the requested sum will be credited and the repayment installments will be debited.

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The BancoPosta Mini Loan it can be requested by people aged between 18 and 76 not yet completed at the end of the reimbursement, with residence in Italy and who present documentation certifying an income from work or pension produced in Italy.
As already mentioned, to obtain this loan it is not necessary to have a paycheck, as they can also apply for it retirees e self-employed.

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