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Possibly much more water on the moon than expected

There may be much more frozen water on the moon than previously thought. In addition, it has been established with certainty for the first time that molecular water (H2O) is present on the moon, say researchers working with the US space agency NASA. The news was announced at a press conference.

The water molecules have been identified with an infrared telescope mounted on a Boeing 747. They are stored in tiny pieces of glass or space dust, so they cannot evaporate.

In addition, another study found that water may be present in many more places than previously thought.

No evaporation due to extreme cold

Until now, it was thought that ice could only lie in deep craters at the north and south poles of the moon. But now it has been established that there are all kinds of nooks and crannies near the poles that can also contain water.

These are holes from a few meters to ‘cold traps’ with a diameter of tens of kilometers, such as the crater Clavius, which can be seen with the naked eye from Earth. Those places where the sun never comes are so cold that water cannot evaporate.

How the water ended up on the moon is not certain. It could come from comets, asteroids, space dust or volcanic eruptions on the moon. Research leader Paul Hayne says that research on the lunar surface itself should provide more clarity about this.

Drinking water for astronauts?

NASA says the presence of frozen water in relatively easily accessible places could be good news for future journeys to the moon. The astronauts could drink the water or use it as fuel.

NASA wants to send people to the moon again in 2024 to set up a permanent post there.

Watch an animation from NASA about the find here:

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