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Positive energy works are widely praised and high quality content shows a stable production trend

Positive energy works are widely praised and high quality content shows a stable production trend

2022-09-15 21:05:50Source: Chinese News Network

China News Service, Beijing, September 15 (Reporter Gao Kai) In 2022, the progress bar will reach almost three-quarters of the way.From drama to variety shows, online movies, animations, etc., the creation of the content here shows the characteristics of gradually strengthening stability. According to the iron law that content is king, it is worth looking forward to a coordinate system with higher quality content.

With the continued extrusion of industry bubbles, in recent years, in the industrial environment of cost reduction, efficiency increase and quality and quantity improvement, video content creation has received increasing attention. Looking back over the past year, in the areas of drama, variety shows, online movies, animation and other fields, high quality content often appears that draws attention to small screens and the positive energy trend of content of the platform reflects the joint creation of respect of the platform and creators and joint efforts to create high-quality work characteristics. A few days ago, as a mainstream video platform, Tencent Video released a total of 52 “Golden Goose Honors” covering 7 categories of TV series, variety shows, online movies, animation, short films, small shows and knowledge. The platform’s honorary release is a commendation for the high-quality content and outstanding creators that have emerged over the past year. In addition to the industry incentives, it is not difficult to see from the exit. Although the award-winning works are of various types, their common characteristics are all positive. The energy core reflects the intensive cultivation of the positive energy content.

In addition to placing importance on high-quality content, organizing the type matrix, and assisting in creation, the platform’s resources can help good content and good stories reach audiences more accurately and increase the total value of the content.

The themes of realism represented by “Sweeping the Black Storm” closely follow the beat of the times, showing the strong vitality and creative potential of realism. While paying homage to the anti-criminal heroes, “Anti-Black Storm” shows the cross-section of society with a deep digging of the characters of the story, and carries on the exploration of meaning and the driving of value, so that the public can obtain a strong positive interaction view in emotional value.

In addition to focusing on story finishing and sophisticated production, costume dramas such as “Knives in the Snow”, “Meng Hua Lu” and “Xing Han Brilliant Moon Rising to the Sea” also focus on the goodness of value and commit to create and shape reality, characters and stories. Also, there are many works like “Children of Qiao’s Family”, “Ebola Frontline”, “The Beginning”, “You Are My Glory”, etc. Although the entry points and story types are very different, they all confer characters with core values ​​It is argued that the beauty of struggle in growth and the beauty of sincerity in emotions can finally echo the emotional needs and spiritual aspirations of the Chinese people.

While actively innovating content types and themes to meet the needs of different cultures, the honor list also features a group of variety shows with distinctive traditional values ​​and reflecting the style of the times. Like “Annual Variety Show”, “Discussion Show” is grounded in reality. Live, hit the real pain points directly and continue to grab attention with fresh and resonant arguments. Works such as “New Travel Notes”, “A Heartwarming Offer” and “Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom Dock” penetrate deeply into the work, social, emotional and life scenes of contemporary young people. In games, life experience and competition, real problems are seen everywhere. The setting and focus of the exhibition show the resonance effect of the breath with the times.

Animation works pay more and more attention to the spiritual core as visual effects technology is becoming more and more sophisticated. Popular national comics such as “Douluo Continent” and “Breaking the Sky” on the honor list can be said to have broken through the simple “cool” aesthetic of fighting monsters and powering up, and the creator’s mature use of the awareness of the mission of “Youth Soul” It is necessary to pay sincere attention to the interpretation of the new era of the traditional “knightly culture”, in order to give it a strong spiritual core. In addition to exploring the internationalization of animation, “Battle of Two Cities” also fully reflects that only characters with true “inner energy” can shed the so-called “star halo”, and their growing experience can become a sort of real-world projection to achieve emotional resonance with the audience.

On the new tracks in other fields, short films, small programs, etc. have also been highlighted recently. They have won works closely related to social themes such as “Aunt’s World”, which tells the interesting life of the “new old age” in the age of the Internet, and “Rolling, Pinion”, which shows the ups and downs of the people on the spot. Contemporary work honors this time, fully explaining that “it can be seen by all.” To “high-quality content not only needs the blessing of” hot spots “, but it also needs to truly feel the joys, sorrows and the joys of the contemporary Chinese people with the eyes of love life.

Many high-quality and influential works of high quality have proven from the facts that for content creators and their presentation platforms, they work together to capture the pulse of the times, show a diverse style, pursue depth of thought and quality of life and giving real meaning to works The core of energy is the ultimate password to help each other continue to produce high quality content. (End)

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