Home » today » News » Pope Francis canceled his agenda again because he still suffers from a mild flu – Diario La Página – 2024-02-26 17:00:39

Pope Francis canceled his agenda again because he still suffers from a mild flu – Diario La Página – 2024-02-26 17:00:39

Pope Francis, who still suffers from a “light flu condition,” canceled his audiences this Monday as he did on Saturday, the Vatican announced in a statement.

“The mild flu symptoms persist, without fever. As a precaution, in any case, this morning’s hearings have been suspended,” the Holy See Press Office explained in a brief statement.

The pope had already canceled his Saturday appointments for the same reason but still celebrated the Angelus prayer on Sunday looking out of the window of the papal palace.

The Pope read the Angelus in a good voice before the thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican and then pleaded “that a little humanity be found that would allow the conditions for a diplomatic solution to be found to seek peace in Ukraine.” when remembering the second anniversary of the start of the Russian invasion.

Francisco, 87, uses a wheelchair and has been affected by several health problems in recent years, including problems with his knees, hips and colon. He also had hernia surgery in June.

At the end of November, he suffered from bronchitis for which he had to cancel some of the planned events and celebrate the Angelus in private and avoided looking out of the window in front of the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, and he also had to be replaced by a collaborator to read his speeches.

To allow for his recovery, the Argentine pontiff, who as a young man underwent a partial ablation of a lung, canceled his planned trip to Dubai to participate in the Climate Summit.

But later he fully recovered and even on December 8 he went to the Plaza de España to the traditional tribute to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.

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