Home » today » Business » Political revenge, they inflict damages for 4.1 million pesos: lawyer – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Political revenge, they inflict damages for 4.1 million pesos: lawyer – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

The lawyer Julio Medina, who leads the private defense of the peasant leader Andrés Valles Valles, explained that the cause of his arrest does not address the crimes he allegedly committed, without addressing a “revenge” that is related to political issues, rather than to a federal justice attorney.

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He explained that after having knowledge of a part of the hearing of the formulation of charges, the Federal Public Ministry, seeks to establish responsibilities for damages that amount to 4 million 150 thousand pesos, for vehicles, as well as the railways that burned on 26 of August 2020.

He commented that last Thursday’s hearing was presented before a control judge, in federal matters, part of the initial hearing was held, they advanced in the formulation of the accusation, for the crimes of vehicle theft, riot and attack on the general roads communication and explained that the alleged perpetrator requested his guarantee and it was agreed to resolve his legal situation on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the Federal Judicial Branch.

For the three crimes, he said that the peasant leader of the south central region of the state could reach from 9 to 32 years in prison, however, he declared that they will seek to do everything possible to avoid the greatest possible damage to the guarantees of the now detained, since they could readjust the term of the crimes that follow and adjust the benefits so that the process continues in freedom.

“Definitely, it is a political revenge, it is a lesson, in the end, the most serious crime is the theft of a vehicle, which did not occur, in reality what is configured as the crime of damage and not theft, We consider that it is a political revenge, but they seek to affect the engineer ”explained the lawyer.

Julio Medina said that for the three crimes that the Attorney General’s Office is seeking to establish so far, he does not have access to a conditional release, we try to expand the opportunity for the crimes to be modified and if the judge considers it prudent we would be in the possibility of seeking some benefit from preventive detention, so that he can take the process on probation.

He explained that there is a figure in law called “real competition of crimes”, which means that when with a conduct, several crimes are classified, there is the power to investigate and sentence for the three crimes, but they would have to be given the same moment , which is what they seek to frame, for which the minimum penalty is 9 years and the maximum 32 years.

On the other hand, he said that another of the judicial solutions that the defense of the peasant leader raises, is that they formulate the corresponding charges and that in a period of six years he obtains his conditional freedom, since it is within that period of years to arrive. at age 70.

“The facts, for which they accuse the engineer, are those that occurred on March 26 in Delicias, they accuse him as a leader and intellectual actor, with respect to the vehicles they took from the Hotel El Dorado Inn in Delicias and other vehicles belonging to the Conagua, these vehicles were taken to the railways and they set them on fire ”.

The lawyer commented that the ideal would be for him to be charged for the damage caused to the vehicle and not for the alleged theft he committed, since despite the participation of hundreds of people, he was captured and held responsible as the alleged leader. of the band that committed these events.

Lawyer Julio Medina said that after the conversations he has had with Andrés Valles, he has shown him confidence and tranquility, since he refers that both agree that this arrest is the product of a revenge that is in the political scene, on the part of the authorities federal.

He also explained that since August 2020, he was informed of an arrest warrant against him, for which a different legal representative was the one who processed an amparo to avoid arrest, however, in January 2021 they tried to capture and finally a couple of days ago they met their goal.

He concluded by informing that next Tuesday in the Judicial Power of the Federation, the continuation of the hearing for the formulation of charges will be held, where the legal situation of the peasant leader will be made known, in a hearing that was scheduled at 4:00 p.m. hours of that day.

At the same time, several peasants and civil associations called a march for that day, in order to show support and disagreement for the arrest of Andrés Valles, which will begin in Delicias and will end in federal courts in the city of Chihuahua.

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