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Pokémon Travel: Goh is Using the Wrong Poké Ball – Here’s What He Should Use

Goh from Pokémon Travel has drawn a lot of attention from fans with its incredible catch rate, especially to those familiar with games, who are also well aware that despite its prevalence in the media, the usual red and white Poké Ball has one of the worst catch rates available. If Goh wants to catch all the Pokémon, there are 26 other types of Poké Balls that would increase his chances of success.

But which one will give you the most impact for your Poké Buck? Different types of Poké Ball offer different advantages depending on the situation, ranging from $ 100 to $ 50,000 Pokémon in all games. Are you starting your journey and need to capture a wounded Pokémon? A Healing Ball will restore you to full health. Are you trying to catch a Snorlax? A Heavy Ball will hold the monster with ease. With so many Poké Balls, which one will give Goh the most consistent catch rate available? We will use the elimination process to determine which Poké Ball Goh should use.

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We will immediately remove all Poké Balls that share the 1x Regular Ball capture rate – the Friendly Ball, Healing Ball, Deluxe Ball, Premier Ball, and Cherish Ball. We’ll also have to remove the Beast Balls, which have a 0.1x capture rate when used on non-Ultra Beasts, which we’re not sure Goh knows about. that exist.

The next category to be cut is the Apricot Poké Balls: the Heavy Ball, the Lure Ball, the Love Ball, the Level Ball, the Quick Ball, and the Moon Ball. Being specific to Johto, these Poké Balls would be difficult for Goh to obtain, let alone catch every Pokémon on the planet.

Then there are the Poké Balls with catch rates acceptable that are not compared to the Balls of more specific scenarios; Big Balls, Safari Balls, and Sports Balls have rates of 1.5x, and the Ultra Ball (ironically, usually the most expensive ball in the game) has a catch rate of 2x.

Then we come to the special Balls, each with a unique effect. When used in your specific scenario, these balls have variable catch rates ranging from 1x (when used incorrectly) to 4x. The Twilight Ball has a 3x capture rate when used in a cave or at night, but Goh tends to sleep at night so it’s not going to be of much help.

The Replay Ball is priced at 3.5x for Pokémon already registered in the Pokédex, but Goh usually only wants one of each Pokémon. The Netball is also rated at 3.5x, but only for the Water and Bug types, which is not useful for catching the other 16 types. Likewise, the Net Ball only has its 3.5x rate when used while diving, surfing, or fishing, which we’re not sure will trigger Goh’s standard Water Pokémon catching technique. “stand at the water’s edge and throw Poké Balls.”

The Nest Ball has a catch rate of 4 when used on a level one Pokémon, but that rate decreases the stronger the Pokémon is. This means that Goh would have a hard time capturing the entire evolutionary lines. The Dream Ball also has a catch rate of 4 and the Pokémon is sleeping … and if Dream Balls are thrown at it, it will most likely wake up someone… … except maybe Ash. And finally, the Timing Ball increases its effectiveness each turn to a maximum of 4 … but since Goh does not like battle very much ...

Before moving on to the Poké Ball that goh should use, we will quickly explain why Goh could not use the Master or Park Balls, which have a capture rate of 255x, capturing everything they hit. Master Balls are so rare that only a It has been used in anime, since Season 7, Episode 35, “Whiscash and Ash”. As for the Park Balls, they were only available when Pokémon was transferred to Pal Park, a place with no equivalent in the anime.

So what is the Poké Ball that not only has the best catch rate, but is a perfect fit for our throwing boy? The Fast Ball, of course! With a capture rate of 5x if used in the primer turn of a battle, the Quick Ball makes the competition fade, and it suits Goh perfectly. Use it as soon as you see a Pokémon? Check it! The best available and obtainable rate in each region? Check it! Affordable? Well, at $ 1,000 Pokémon they are usually cheaper than Ultra Balls, so … yeah.

While it’s true that Goh could get anywhere from five to ten regular poké balls for that price, he has the same catch chances in a single ball, which means that a full stock will allow him to easily catch his prey, and increase greatly. He measured his chances of catching Mew by surprise. If only Mew hadn’t already blessed him with an obscenely high catch rate.

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